Bibliographic citations
Paico, V., Roca, M. (2023). Mejoramiento de suelo a nivel de subrasante con fines de pavimentación incorporando concreto reciclado en diferentes porcentajes en la zona norte de Lima, 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Paico, V., Roca, M. Mejoramiento de suelo a nivel de subrasante con fines de pavimentación incorporando concreto reciclado en diferentes porcentajes en la zona norte de Lima, 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Mejoramiento de suelo a nivel de subrasante con fines de pavimentación incorporando concreto reciclado en diferentes porcentajes en la zona norte de Lima, 2021",
author = "Roca Acuña, Madeley Yohana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
Due to the constant accumulation of construction and demolition waste that is generated daily, the need arises to reuse these elements as an alternative to reduce and mitigate environmental pollution. Given this, this thesis seeks to use recycled concrete and use it as a material to improve the subgrade of a floor for paving purposes in the north of Lima, incorporating this element in different percentages. The results obtained with the use of recycled concrete in proportions of 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% are presented in order to analyze the behavior of the soil with this material, obtaining satisfactory results by increasing the CBR value. For a verification outside the laboratory, the in situ test was carried out, evidencing a wide improvement in the degree of compaction, demonstrating that the use of recycled concrete is favorable and that using this material means providing greater resistance and optimizing the conditions of a soil with characteristics similar to the one studied in the present investigation. In this aspect, the results obtained contribute to the study of soils at the subgrade level as it is very important when designing a pavement.
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