Bibliographic citations
Cortez, L., (2017). Propuesta de mejora de métodos de trabajo en el proceso de mantenimiento preventivo de vehículos livianos de la empresa Mannucci Diesel Cajamarca S.A.C para incrementar la productividad [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cortez, L., Propuesta de mejora de métodos de trabajo en el proceso de mantenimiento preventivo de vehículos livianos de la empresa Mannucci Diesel Cajamarca S.A.C para incrementar la productividad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Propuesta de mejora de métodos de trabajo en el proceso de mantenimiento preventivo de vehículos livianos de la empresa Mannucci Diesel Cajamarca S.A.C para incrementar la productividad",
author = "Cortez Valera, Luz Mardeli",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
ABSTRACT The following study was carried out at the Mannucci Diesel Cajamarca SAC company, which is a Nissan, Mack and Renault dealer, dedicated to the sale of cars, original spare parts and to provide after sales service (preventive maintenance and Corrective maintenance). The company has problems that have been detected in the process of preventive maintenance due to the lack of standardization of the times of the process, this being the main reason for delays or delays when delivering the units to the customers. The objective was: To propose an improvement of working methods of the preventive maintenance process of light vehicles in the company Mannucci Diesel Cajamarca SAC, to increase productivity, and the following hypothesis was formulated: With the proposal of improvement of Preventive maintenance of light vehicles company Mannucci Diesel Cajamarca SAC will increase productivity in 2017 For the collection and analysis of data, some techniques were used, such as interviewing the workshop manager, analysis of the company's own content, surveys of workers involved in preventive maintenance, and statistical analysis of all the information collected. Timing with stopwatch in each of the stations to identify constraints, observation guide before, during and after the implementation of work method improvements. The proposal of improvement consists in eliminating the restrictions through the study and methods of work, also to establish the standard time of work; Redesigning diagrams of M.P; Improve current working conditions. It was possible to conclude that by means of the improvement of working methods the time of the preventive maintenance services (M.P) of 5000 km from 143.91 to 119.2 min, production of 30 units / day was reduced; For M.P 10000 km from 152.36 to 124.47 min, production of 29 units / day; For the M.P of 40000 km from 153.64 min to 124.91 min, productivity of 28 units / day. The improvements also resulted in a benefit for the worker and for the company as it yielded a 90% IRR, which is greater than the COK of 24.98% and a NPV of S / 33,004.49 soles. Finally, we recommend the proposal to improve working methods of the preventive maintenance process of light vehicles of the company Mannucci Diesel Cajamarca S.A.C to increase productivity.C to increase productivity.
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