Bibliographic citations
Orellana, L., (2017). Propuesta de mejora del proceso de distribución de neumáticos agrícolas, para minimizar los costos en la empresa Aros del Pacífico S.A.C. en el año 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Orellana, L., Propuesta de mejora del proceso de distribución de neumáticos agrícolas, para minimizar los costos en la empresa Aros del Pacífico S.A.C. en el año 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Propuesta de mejora del proceso de distribución de neumáticos agrícolas, para minimizar los costos en la empresa Aros del Pacífico S.A.C. en el año 2017",
author = "Orellana Quintanilla, Luder Darío",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
ABSTRACT The present improvement proposal is based on the distribution of agricultural tires in the warehouse area and dispatches. Currently we deliver small volumes of merchandise wasting the maximum cube of our units (not consolidating the offices), forcing us to request more fleets to cover with our offices, high expenses in packaging, overtime in labor, excessive issuance of invoices and guides, etc. Because of customers' partial purchase orders (OCs) we have a high cost of distribution with our transport units, even forcing us to outsource the transportation service with some suppliers. For this purpose, the improvement proposal is to reduce the costs in distribution of agricultural tires using the engineering tools; Demand Planning and Routing Mapping to improve our partial to consolidated deliveries and thus optimize the transportation units' cubicle, performing 01 distribution per day where we will call it "Dispatch Train" to the entire dispatch and delivery process. We have set objectives and their development in each of them, in the objectives we have to diagnose the current situation of the distribution of agricultural tires, identifying the potential customers through the sales of the year 2016. The proposal of improvement to eliminate the Partial purchase orders of customers is to make a discount of 1% to all sales orders consolidated into customer benefit, in this way we will achieve the distribution efficiently and efficiently having only the use of our transport units and avoid hiring service Third party transport. It should be mentioned that within our objectives we have that 20% of customers of agricultural tires are 80% of sales of agricultural tires. At the end of the development we obtained a saving of S / 30 680 per year, this amount varies according to the volume of sales that is predicted for this year 2017. In addition we have indirect benefits such as good working climate, avoid paying overtime to the staff, better coordination of the warehouse manager and offices, among others. KEYWORDS: Distribution, Demand Planning, Route Mapping and Costs.
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