Bibliographic citations
Aldave, C., (2020). La ilegitimidad de la incorporación del delito de feminicidio para combatir la muerte de las mujeres en el contexto de violencia de género [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Aldave, C., La ilegitimidad de la incorporación del delito de feminicidio para combatir la muerte de las mujeres en el contexto de violencia de género [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "La ilegitimidad de la incorporación del delito de feminicidio para combatir la muerte de las mujeres en el contexto de violencia de género",
author = "Aldave Torres, César Augusto",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
Femicide cases in the world continue to advance, which is why the laws of the world are choosing to sanction more severely the man who kills the woman with whom he has had a current or former romantic relationship, but what happens with the men who they are killed by who was or is their sentimental partner. The present work analyzes the investigations carried out previously on the subject, delving into the legal foundations for which femicide is punished more severely than the homicide of a male being the person responsible for his partner or sentimental ex-partner. In the first chapter, the concrete conceptualizations of both criminal offenses are developed, including some legislation comparing both offenses and if the more severe sanction of femicide than homicide is justifiable; In the next chapter, the comparative analysis between the two crimes will be developed to reliably demonstrate whether femicide should be punished more severely than homicide, concluding with a proposed law that penalizes the death of a person by their partner or ex-partner with the same penalty is male or female, developing the practice equity in sanctions and no longer discriminate against men.
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