Bibliographic citations
Roncal, J., Gonzales, C. (2017). Estrategias de comunicación y la relación con la satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la Avícola Avesa S.R.L. en Cajamarca para el año 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Roncal, J., Gonzales, C. Estrategias de comunicación y la relación con la satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la Avícola Avesa S.R.L. en Cajamarca para el año 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Estrategias de comunicación y la relación con la satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la Avícola Avesa S.R.L. en Cajamarca para el año 2016",
author = "Gonzales Cerna, Cesar Ivan",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
ABSTRACT This research entitled "COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES AND RELATIONSHIP WITH SATISFACTION IN EMPLOYEES WORK OF POULTRY AVESA S.A.C. IN CAJAMARCA 2016 ", aims to determine whether there is a correlation between communication workers Poultry AVESA S.R.L with the satisfaction that they possess both his person and to the company, this study involved 35 partners which they are part of its full partners in the enterprise to its various production, sales and administration areas. To carry out the study in question, two questionnaires which were representing the two variables, communication and job satisfaction were used. career development, recognition and job identification: these two questionnaires several indicators which were obtained. Thus it could collect the necessary data in order to have the results of that investigation. Qualitative research is non-experimental design, which is an investigation in which the variables are not manipulated. It is correlational, which is to describe relationships between two or more variables in a given time. According to the results it is concluded that there is a relationship between communication on job satisfaction, as evaluated subjects show that if there is a miscommunication can affect both the performance and the satisfaction you may feel a partner in the company. The investigation showed that employees should feel identified with the as recognized organization to increase productivity. This is because the employee feels part of the company and believes that his work is valued and recognized, which form them confidence in themselves and therefore their personal and professional satisfaction grows with productivity. With this you can see that the variables evaluated in this investigation are extremely importance for the company, because they can see what factors to strengthen so that the employees can be motivated and encouraged to increase productivity are.
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