Bibliographic citations
Saavedra, J., (2022). Combinación de tecnologías de ultrasonido y flujo Marangoni en el proceso de secado de corazón de piña y el mecanismo de interacción de su estructura [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Saavedra, J., Combinación de tecnologías de ultrasonido y flujo Marangoni en el proceso de secado de corazón de piña y el mecanismo de interacción de su estructura [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Combinación de tecnologías de ultrasonido y flujo Marangoni en el proceso de secado de corazón de piña y el mecanismo de interacción de su estructura",
author = "Saavedra Davila, Juan Ernesto",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
This study aimed to evaluate the application of ultrasound and/or ethanol technologies prior to convective drying in samples with a particular vascular structure (pineapple core). Pineapple cores were cut parallelly (Lc) or perpendicularly (Tc) oriented to vascular bundles (VB). Effects on drying kinetics, shrinkage, rehydration kinetics, size recovery, and texture were evaluated. As main results, a reduction in drying time up to 60% was observed when the combined pretreatment for 10 min was applied in Tc samples. Regarding shrinkage, the Tc samples better preserve their diameter (>53%), while the Lc samples better preserve their thickness (>73%) after drying, which was explained by the parallel orientation of the VB to each dimension. In addition, Tc samples showed higher rehydration rate while the Lc samples showed greater water retention (~12 more). After rehydration, samples recovered their thickness and diameter in more than 70%. These results contribute to better explain the technology-process-structure interaction.
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