Bibliographic citations
López, L., (2018). Criterios de confort acústico aplicados al diseño de un muro cortina para un hotel ejecutivo turístico en la región de Pinheiros – São Paulo [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
López, L., Criterios de confort acústico aplicados al diseño de un muro cortina para un hotel ejecutivo turístico en la región de Pinheiros – São Paulo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Criterios de confort acústico aplicados al diseño de un muro cortina para un hotel ejecutivo turístico en la región de Pinheiros – São Paulo",
author = "López López, Luisa Gabriela",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
This thesis is concerned with the design of a sound curtain wall that is part of the overall design of an executive tourism hotel in the Pinheiros region of São Paulo, the objective of this investigation is to determine whether the design of the sound curtain wall provides acoustic comfort for guests of the hotel. The investigation analyses and compares variables that influence the efficacy of various designs. Based on prior research studies, a theoretical framework is developed in this thesis for analyzing and evaluating information and data relevant to achieving sound/noise mitigation acceptable to guests of the hotel. In order to evaluate the components and parameters of a sound curtain Wall that achieves the desired acoustic comfort in the hotel, the test site selected was the axis of the two most important commercial streets in the city: the corner of Rua Augusta and Alameda Santos in the Pinheiros region of São Paulo. In addition to rooms for lodging, the executive hotel offers areas for indoor and outdoor recreation, a commercial area and a complete business center. Noise is an environmental problem which detracts from the hotel’s appeal. Solving the problem of noise pollution would give added value to the city of São Paulo by contributing to its economic growth and progress. By considering profiles of hotel guests and the variables considered by the study and other factors such as design guidelines for a tourist executive hotel yielded an architectural solution for the project which meets the needs of hotel guests.
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