Bibliographic citations
Florentino, J., (2023). La oferta exportable y el desempeño exportador de la empresa Exportadora Frutícola del Sur S. A., en el año 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Florentino, J., La oferta exportable y el desempeño exportador de la empresa Exportadora Frutícola del Sur S. A., en el año 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "La oferta exportable y el desempeño exportador de la empresa Exportadora Frutícola del Sur S. A., en el año 2021",
author = "Florentino Moreno, Jackeline Andrea",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The main purpose of this research study is to establish the relationship between the exportable supply and the export performance of Exportadora Frutícola del Sur S.A. in the year 2021. For this purpose, a basic methodology was used, with a quantitative approach, of correlational scope, with a non-experimental research design and a cross-sectional cut. The census sample consisted of 39 workers from the management, administrative and operational areas of Exportadora Frutícola del Sur S.A., a non-probabilistic sampling was carried out conventionally according to the availability of the collaborators to be surveyed, this survey was carried out in the Fundo Athos different from the administrative and operational collaborators to whom a questionnaire composed of 29 items was applied; the analysis and consistency of the data through Cronbach's Alpha revealed a reliability of 0.864. The results are presented in three stages: descriptive statistics, normality tests and Spearman's Rho hypothesis tests with a very high correlation (0.902) and a p-value of 0.000, therefore, based on the results it could be concluded that the Exportable Supply is significantly related to the Export Performance in the company Exportadora Frutícola del Sur S.A. in the year 2021.
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