Bibliographic citations
Barrantes, I., López, K. (2012). Estudio de prefactibilidad para la implementación de una empresa para la producción y comercialización de fresa hidropónica en la ciudad de Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Barrantes, I., López, K. Estudio de prefactibilidad para la implementación de una empresa para la producción y comercialización de fresa hidropónica en la ciudad de Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2012.
title = "Estudio de prefactibilidad para la implementación de una empresa para la producción y comercialización de fresa hidropónica en la ciudad de Trujillo",
author = "López González, Karem Jackelín",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2012"
The Project has for objective to determine the economic and financial viability for the implementation of a company dedicated to the production and marketing of hydroponic strawberry in the city of Trujillo. This fruit will have a differential value, the use of hydroponics that which is an agricultural production system that does not use the land for crops, but water with nutrients, the name will be “Green Life”. This study is developed considering a new market target that, it does not exist in Trujillo, strawberries grown under hydroponics system, and observing the needs of consumers Trujillo, as the surveys, if they would consume the harvested under this system agriculture, both by providing sanitation, as do not use pesticides or are exposed to other pollutants. The target market to which the company will lead the 4,179 families that consume 81,408 kg mills the first year, in the districts of Trujillo and Victor Larco Herrera, from middle high socioeconomic sectors (A/B). The joint project will have a capacity of 84,480 kg per year cutter which requires an investment of S/187,701.24 to be funded by 50% with BBVA Continental Bank loan and the 50% own contribution. This investment will be recovered in two years and nine months. This study concludes that the project is profitable, taking into account the weighted average cost of capital of 12.33 %, resulting in the following financial ratios: ENPV S/197,501.09 FNPV S/188,857.05 EIRR 42.43% FIRR 61.00%.
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