Bibliographic citations
Salazar, J., (2020). El diseño de un sistema de gestión de riesgos críticos de fatalidad y su influencia en la prevención de accidentes en los proyectos mineros de una empresa minera en la región Cajamarca, 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Salazar, J., El diseño de un sistema de gestión de riesgos críticos de fatalidad y su influencia en la prevención de accidentes en los proyectos mineros de una empresa minera en la región Cajamarca, 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "El diseño de un sistema de gestión de riesgos críticos de fatalidad y su influencia en la prevención de accidentes en los proyectos mineros de una empresa minera en la región Cajamarca, 2018",
author = "Salazar Rios, Jorge Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
The purpose of this research work is to determine the influence of the design of a risk management system on the prevention of accidents in the mining projects of a mining company in the Cajamarca region, 2018. The research is of a non-experimental nature since it does not Any variable was manipulated, correlational in the mean that sought to establish the relationship between the study variables critical risk management system and accident prevention. He considered a population and sample of 10 field supervisors who provided first-hand information and collaborated with the technical visits. The technique used was observation, the instrument was an observation sheet which allowed to collect field information, which was processed in a matrix of documentary analysis. The data allowed us to prepare a set of 21 forms with their respective guides for the use and prevention of fatal mining accidents in mining projects. The results were the presentation of a proposal as part of the critical risk management system which, once implemented, will allow the reduction of mining activity accidents.
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