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Cruzado, A., Vargas, E. (2022). La cultura organizacional en la empresa Collotan S. A. A., Cajamarca 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cruzado, A., Vargas, E. La cultura organizacional en la empresa Collotan S. A. A., Cajamarca 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "La cultura organizacional en la empresa Collotan S. A. A., Cajamarca 2021",
author = "Vargas Goicochea, Erleyna Nataly",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
Title: La cultura organizacional en la empresa Collotan S. A. A., Cajamarca 2021
Advisor(s): Carrillo Carranza, Liliana Beatriz
Keywords: Cultura organizacional; Administración de personal; Cambio organizacional; Organizational culture; shared values
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 8-Jul-2022
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: El propósito de esta investigación fue en determinar la cultura organizacional en la empresa Collotan S.A.A., en la ciudad de Cajamarca 2021. Se analizó los objetivos específicos, los niveles de cultura organizacional
Para lo cual se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva, cuantitativo, no experimental -transversal, teniendo una población de 60 trabajadores, para la muestra (censal) se aplicó a los 60 trabajadores de la empresa, en la cual se manejó un cuestionario de 20 preguntas asociadas en 3 dimensiones, además este cuestionario fue sometido a la prueba de confiabilidad en el software IBM SPPS25. Lo cual se alcanzó un alfa de Cronbach de ,870 indica que es aceptable.
Se alcanzó como resultados de la investigación que el nivel de artefactos que ofrece la empresa Collotan S.A.A, es de nivel alto, más del 87% de los trabajadores coinciden que los artefactos son más resaltantes dentro de la empresa; sin embargo, hay dos dimensiones a las cuales se debe prestar atención. Valores compartidos y supuestos básicos; si bien es cierto no es una evaluación media o baja, pero puede considerarse como una alerta para mejorar y que la empresa alcance a la excelencia.
Los resultados de esta investigación han sido muy positivos para la empresa Collotan S.A.A. Y los mismos nos permiten hacer recomendaciones pertinentes para mejorar la cultura organizacional, de modo tal que la empresa logre una cultura organizacional sólida.
The purpose of this research was determined the organizational culture in the company Collotan S.A.A., in Cajamarca city 2021. The specific objectives and levels of organizational culture were analyzed. So that, was carried out a descriptive, quantitative, non-experimental-cross-sectional investigation, having a population of 60 workers, for the sample (census) it was applied to the 60 workers of the company, in which a questionnaire of 20 associated questions in 3 dimensions, in addition this questionnaire was subjected to the reliability test in the IBM SPPS25 software. Which a Cronbach's alpha of 870 was reached indicates that it is acceptable. It was reached as results of the investigation that the level of artifacts offered by the company Collotan S.A.A, is of a high level, more than 87% of the workers agree that the artifacts are more outstanding within the company; however, there are two dimensions to which attention must be paid. Shared values and basic assumptions; although it is true, it is not a medium or low evaluation, but it can be considered as an alert to improve and that the company reaches excellence. The results of this investigation have been very positive for the company Collotan S.A.A. and they allow us to make pertinent recommendations to improve the organizational culture, so that the company achieves a solid organizational culture.
The purpose of this research was determined the organizational culture in the company Collotan S.A.A., in Cajamarca city 2021. The specific objectives and levels of organizational culture were analyzed. So that, was carried out a descriptive, quantitative, non-experimental-cross-sectional investigation, having a population of 60 workers, for the sample (census) it was applied to the 60 workers of the company, in which a questionnaire of 20 associated questions in 3 dimensions, in addition this questionnaire was subjected to the reliability test in the IBM SPPS25 software. Which a Cronbach's alpha of 870 was reached indicates that it is acceptable. It was reached as results of the investigation that the level of artifacts offered by the company Collotan S.A.A, is of a high level, more than 87% of the workers agree that the artifacts are more outstanding within the company; however, there are two dimensions to which attention must be paid. Shared values and basic assumptions; although it is true, it is not a medium or low evaluation, but it can be considered as an alert to improve and that the company reaches excellence. The results of this investigation have been very positive for the company Collotan S.A.A. and they allow us to make pertinent recommendations to improve the organizational culture, so that the company achieves a solid organizational culture.
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Discipline: Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración
Juror: Cáceres Iglesias, Paulo César; Mendoza Sánchez, Juan Romelio; Berrospi Ytahashi, Alfredo
Register date: 8-Sep-2022
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