Bibliographic citations
Guillen, M., (2011). Análisis de prefactibilidad para la implementación de un hotel de 03 estrellas denominado Hotel Sausacocha en la ciudad de Huamachuco, provincia de Sánchez Carrión, departamento de La Libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Guillen, M., Análisis de prefactibilidad para la implementación de un hotel de 03 estrellas denominado Hotel Sausacocha en la ciudad de Huamachuco, provincia de Sánchez Carrión, departamento de La Libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2011.
title = "Análisis de prefactibilidad para la implementación de un hotel de 03 estrellas denominado Hotel Sausacocha en la ciudad de Huamachuco, provincia de Sánchez Carrión, departamento de La Libertad",
author = "Guillen Agreda, Mariana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2011"
ABSTRACT The Present Project Pre-Feasibility Analysis for the Implementation of a three star hotel in the Huamachuco city, Sausacocha Lake, at the province Sanchez Carrion, called Hotel Sausacocha, is an integral project to achieve by increasing more than 50% of satisfaction indicators of our visitants their journey in the hotel as during their stay in Huamachuco city. It is also considered that 70% of our hotel will be for tourists , and is expected to grow 50% by 2011 and an increase of 100% for the year 2012 in the amount of people arriving Huamachuco for tourist reasons due the presentation of the Improvement Plan on the Promotion and Development of Tourism of Sanchez carrion province to PromPerú in June of this year and also due the organization and cooperation of the Municipality of the city to make alliances with iPerú, Trujillo Provincial Municipality, and soon PromPerú. Therefore, our hotel will count with bungalows availability, large capacity and provide better service to tourists compared to the competition offered today. Undoubtedly, Huamachuco city nowadays, because of mining activities, trade, textile, agricultural and others have led to arouse the curiosity of ourselves as investors, due to the limited exploitation of its natural and archaeological resources that Huamachuco owns. These resources became a new reason to visit Huamachuco city. In addition, economic growth of the city is a main reason due to mining projects, infrastructure, and construction projects across the province. Currently, the people who work in these projects represent our increased demand for hotel services generating investments in new lodgings, innovation and improvement in the hotel services. Therefore, the main objective is, "to demonstrate the high returns that hotel business can give, if we dare to promote new options for tourism in our region through hotel services." Our project has demonstrated a lack of hotel services offered versus the demand for these services that are currently generating very attractive revenue numbers as 55% TIR and NPV of 286, 901.66 dollars. In conclusion, The Three Star Hotel Project "Sausacocha” is set in positive grounds, in its various economic edges being Huamachuco the concentration of large numbers of people arriving because of the projects to be carried in the public sector as in the private sector, generating increased consumption of both goods and services. Another of the positive edges is diversity of archeological options to explore and be exploited by Mincetur, PromPerú and other international organizations. And seen from a social edge, it has been improving educational levels, technological levels, and especially the low rate of crime. All these scenarios have been studied and we prove the feasibility and viability of the project.
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