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Malo, P., (2016). Relación del marketing digital en la comercialización del balneario Huanchaco [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Malo, P., Relación del marketing digital en la comercialización del balneario Huanchaco [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Relación del marketing digital en la comercialización del balneario Huanchaco",
author = "Malo Chiclayo, Pamela Evita",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
Title: Relación del marketing digital en la comercialización del balneario Huanchaco
Authors(s): Malo Chiclayo, Pamela Evita
Advisor(s): Angulo Cortejana, Mercy
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2016
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: RESUMEN
La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo investigar la relación del marketing digital en la comercialización del balneario Huanchaco, ya que con el avance tecnológico la mayoría de turistas optan por buscar información digitalizada, puesto que el internet se ha vuelto un medio de información muy importante para la comercialización de servicios turísticos.
Se expone también las herramientas de Marketing digital más usadas por los turistas extranjeros, sus preferencias en cuanto a páginas web, marketing móvil, redes sociales y correo electrónico para recibir información de un destino turístico y la frecuencia con la cual estas son usadas para sus viajes.
Grandes empresas turísticas han optado por tener la versión digitalizada del medio y otros han dejado a un lado este producto. Dentro de esta tesis se busca conocer básicamente cómo es que el turista adquiere y/o renta los diferentes servicios que se ofrecen en el balneario de Huanchaco.
Como parte de la metodología se utilizó la herramienta de investigación encuesta, que fue realizada a la muestra de 219 turistas extranjeros que visitaron el Balneario Huanchaco en el periodo de un año. Entre los resultados podemos mencionar que un gran porcentaje de los turistas encuestados utilizan el marketing digital para la planificación y realización de sus viajes, por otro lado también se obtuvo que un gran número de turistas que tomaron servicios turísticos en el balneario no usó ninguna herramienta del marketing digital para su llegada y estadía en este destino, dado que las empresas del sector no utilizan de forma activa los medios digitales para la comercialización de sus servicios.
Al finalizar el trabajo obtuvimos como conclusiones que el marketing digital promueve la llegada de turistas hacia un destino, dado que éstos utilizan las diversas herramientas que el marketing digital pone a su disposición.
ABSTRACT This thesis aimed to investigate the relationship of digital marketing in Huanchaco beach, because with technological advancement most tourists choose to search digitized information, since the Internet has become a very important medium of information for the marketing of tourism services. Also, it exposed the digital marketing tools most used by foreign tourists, their preferences for websites, mobile marketing, social networking and email to receive information from a tourist destination and the frequency with which these are used for their trips. Main tourist companies have chosen to have the digitized version of the media and others have put aside this product. In this thesis it seeks to know basically how the tourist acquires and / or rent the different services offered in Huanchaco. As part of the survey methodology tool research, which was conducted among foreign tourists who visited Huanchaco we were used. Among the results that we mention a large percentage of respondents tourists use digital marketing for planning and realization of their travels, on the other hand also obtained a large number of tourists who took tourist services in the resort did not use any tool digital marketing for your arrival and stay in this destination, since the sector companies not actively using digital media to market their services. Finally, at the end of the work we obtained as the digital marketing conclusions promotes the arrival of tourists to a destination, since they use the various tools that digital marketing offers.
ABSTRACT This thesis aimed to investigate the relationship of digital marketing in Huanchaco beach, because with technological advancement most tourists choose to search digitized information, since the Internet has become a very important medium of information for the marketing of tourism services. Also, it exposed the digital marketing tools most used by foreign tourists, their preferences for websites, mobile marketing, social networking and email to receive information from a tourist destination and the frequency with which these are used for their trips. Main tourist companies have chosen to have the digitized version of the media and others have put aside this product. In this thesis it seeks to know basically how the tourist acquires and / or rent the different services offered in Huanchaco. As part of the survey methodology tool research, which was conducted among foreign tourists who visited Huanchaco we were used. Among the results that we mention a large percentage of respondents tourists use digital marketing for planning and realization of their travels, on the other hand also obtained a large number of tourists who took tourist services in the resort did not use any tool digital marketing for your arrival and stay in this destination, since the sector companies not actively using digital media to market their services. Finally, at the end of the work we obtained as the digital marketing conclusions promotes the arrival of tourists to a destination, since they use the various tools that digital marketing offers.
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Discipline: Administración y Servicios Turísticos
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración y Servicios Turísticos
Juror: Zegarra Alva, Mónica; Felipe Bravo, Gaby Mónica; Hurtado Castañeda, Jamy
Register date: 26-May-2017
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