Bibliographic citations
Zevallos, O., (2020). Influencia de porcentajes de poliestireno expandido al 20%, 35%, 50% y 65% en el diseño de concreto liviano para la elaboración de unidades de albañilería evaluados a compresión [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Zevallos, O., Influencia de porcentajes de poliestireno expandido al 20%, 35%, 50% y 65% en el diseño de concreto liviano para la elaboración de unidades de albañilería evaluados a compresión [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Influencia de porcentajes de poliestireno expandido al 20%, 35%, 50% y 65% en el diseño de concreto liviano para la elaboración de unidades de albañilería evaluados a compresión",
author = "Zevallos Torres, Oscar",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
This research shows the processes and procedures necessary to obtain a lightweight concrete (based on the addition of polystyrene percentages), to obtain masonry units that meet the minimum requirements of the standards for non-bearing walls. The results demonstrate the possibility of using said concrete with benefit in reducing the weight in buildings, generating the possibility of more efficient designs at a structural level. The evaluation of a concrete with light aggregate (expanded polystyrene) has been considered in percentages of 20%, 35%, 50% and 65%, evaluated in its weight, level of absorption and resistance to compression compared to conventional concrete. Different percentages (15% difference) have been used in the preparation of lightweight concrete in order to analyze the maximum possible percentage to use. The results showed that of all the light aggregate percentages used, the percentages of 20% and 35% meet the minimum strength requirements, while those of 50% and 65% severely compromise their strengths. The shape or specific dimensions of the masonry units to be used for this concrete have not been determined, however for the analysis of dead load efficiency in non-bearing walls, it was compared with 2-hole concrete blocks, whose dimension is 15cm (width) x 20 cm (height) x 40 cm (depth) and its average weight is 13 kg.
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