Bibliographic citations
Cerón, S., (2020). Viabilidad técnica de la aplicación del aditivo estabilizador de hidratación para vaciado en tiempo tardío del concreto f’c=210 kg/cm2 Lima 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cerón, S., Viabilidad técnica de la aplicación del aditivo estabilizador de hidratación para vaciado en tiempo tardío del concreto f’c=210 kg/cm2 Lima 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Viabilidad técnica de la aplicación del aditivo estabilizador de hidratación para vaciado en tiempo tardío del concreto f’c=210 kg/cm2 Lima 2019",
author = "Cerón Velásquez, Sandy Jacqueline",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
The purpose of this work is to evaluate the technical feasibility of using the hydration stabilizer additive (AEH) to control certain characteristics inherent in a mixture of original concrete. The technical feasibility was evaluated by measuring the setting time, compressive strength and workability in pre-mixed concrete samples with various concentrations of HAE added at the time of mixing. The laboratory results showed a significant increase in setting times, compressive strength and workability of ready-mix concrete after applying and increasing the levels of the hydration stabilizer additive by 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8%. To corroborate the assumptions that as the levels of HAE increase, setting times, resistance to understanding and workability increase compared to conventional ready-mix or control concrete, the t-Student Hypothesis test was performed with a level of 5% significance in the IBM SPSS V.25 statistical program. With the results, it was concluded that when applying the AEH of 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% there is sufficient evidence that setting times, resistance to understanding and workability increased significantly.
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