Bibliographic citations
Moreno, L., Suyon, N. (2021). Determinación del nivel de erosión hídrica aplicando el modelo RUSLE en la cuenca Jequetepeque, período 1997-2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Moreno, L., Suyon, N. Determinación del nivel de erosión hídrica aplicando el modelo RUSLE en la cuenca Jequetepeque, período 1997-2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Determinación del nivel de erosión hídrica aplicando el modelo RUSLE en la cuenca Jequetepeque, período 1997-2017",
author = "Suyon Solorzano, Nadia Dayana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
At present, the loss of soil due to the action of water erosion is considered an environmental problem worldwide, due to the adverse effects it generates, such as the loss of biodiversity and soil productivity, which is why in this research the level of water erosion in the Jequetepeque basin was determined during the period of 1997 to 2017, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) as a model. The methodology consisted of the collection of data such as: precipitation, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), shapefile of soil type and plant cover; first, an agro-pedological characterization of the basin was carried out, then the influencing factors in the erosion process (R, K, LS and C) were determined using GIS, the potential/current erosion was estimated and finally a proposal was made for conservation of the soil. It is concluded that the current level of water erosion is normal (42%), slight (12%), moderate (11%), severe (24%), very severe (11%) and catastrophic (0.09%).
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