Bibliographic citations
Jara, G., Otero, F. (2022). Relación de los procesos de reencauche y cumplimiento de órdenes de producción en una empresa reencauchadora de rodillos, año 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Jara, G., Otero, F. Relación de los procesos de reencauche y cumplimiento de órdenes de producción en una empresa reencauchadora de rodillos, año 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Relación de los procesos de reencauche y cumplimiento de órdenes de producción en una empresa reencauchadora de rodillos, año 2020",
author = "Otero Zarate, Fernando Andre",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
The objective of the study is to increase productivity by applying the work study in the production area of the roller company. Where the work study techniques such as operations analysis, time study and line balance were used, the study is of explanatory level with a pre and post test design with a single group. It was obtained that the application of the work study generates an impact of 33.84% in the productivity of the production area, the operations analysis had a reduction of 4 transports and 81% of time reduction in the waiting delay for cooling; the time study in the pre-test had a weighted standard time for the 3 types of rollers of 243.04 minutes and in the post-test 202.32 minutes, likewise, it was possible to balance the process line with 11 operators. Finally, the calculated t is 2.100, which is greater than the critical t of 1.782; therefore, we reject the H0 and accept the H1 that the application of the work study significantly increases the productivity of the production area of the roller retreading company, Lima - 2022 at a 95% confidence level.
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