Bibliographic citations
Garcia, M., Polo, J. (2022). Reconocimiento del derecho a morir en condiciones dignas desde la perspectiva de los Derechos Fundamentales a la vida y la dignidad humana – 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Garcia, M., Polo, J. Reconocimiento del derecho a morir en condiciones dignas desde la perspectiva de los Derechos Fundamentales a la vida y la dignidad humana – 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Reconocimiento del derecho a morir en condiciones dignas desde la perspectiva de los Derechos Fundamentales a la vida y la dignidad humana – 2021",
author = "Polo Lopez, Juan Rafael",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
The present investigation is carried out with the purpose of analyzing the problem of the right to a dignified death and the foundations that can motivate the legislative development in Peru in order to recognize the Right to Die in dignified conditions. For this purpose, the qualitative research method was used, with a grounded theory design in order to evaluate the legal foundations for and against the recognition of the right to die in dignified conditions, likewise, it has been considered as a population and shows a set of norms of legislation and comparative jurisprudence that served as the basis for the analysis of the fundamental criteria from both the philosophical and legal point of view, the same ones that are linked to the emblematic case of Ana Estrada in the Peruvian case. It was concluded that the regulation regarding euthanasia is supported by criteria of the right to life, since its legal foundations in accordance with comparative legislation in countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada and Spain recognize and identify the importance of guaranteeing a healthy state. constitutional law in order to establish laws issued with the help of entities specialized in medicine, which will contribute to safeguarding the autonomy of people to end their lives in a state of suffering.
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