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Muñoz, J., (2022). Demanda internacional para la exportación de queso fresco de la empresa Peru Cheese S. R. L., Cajamarca, 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Muñoz, J., Demanda internacional para la exportación de queso fresco de la empresa Peru Cheese S. R. L., Cajamarca, 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Demanda internacional para la exportación de queso fresco de la empresa Peru Cheese S. R. L., Cajamarca, 2020",
author = "Muñoz Cabrera, Jose Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
Title: Demanda internacional para la exportación de queso fresco de la empresa Peru Cheese S. R. L., Cajamarca, 2020
Authors(s): Muñoz Cabrera, Jose Luis
Advisor(s): Gamarra Banda, James
Keywords: Exportaciones; Importaciones; Inteligencia empresarial; Queso; Demanda de consumo; Mercado de exportación; Export; Import; Business intelligence; Incoterms
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 21-Jul-2022
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: El objetivo general fue analizar la demanda internacional para la exportación de queso fresco de la empresa Perú Cheese S.R.L., Cajamarca, 2020, metodológicamente se enfocó en el tipo de investigación mixta con un diseño DEXPLIS y una medición transversal. Para cumplir con este objetivo se tomó como primera población dentro del estudio de la macro-segmentación a todos los países importadores de queso fresco, el cual tuvo como muestra a los 20 primeros estados compradores de dicho producto, como segunda población se tuvo a la empresa PERÚ CHEESE S.R.L. de Cajamarca en su totalidad la cual cuenta con 16 trabajadores, donde se obtuvo una muestra de 1 sola persona la cual se basó en criterios de inclusión y exclusión, dentro de los instrumentos se utilizó el análisis de datos y la guía de entrevista , por consiguiente dicha indagación abordó un estudio desde el enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo. Los resultados dentro del estudio de la macro-segmentación, demuestran que Francia es un mercado excelente para la exportación del queso fresco. Finalmente, después de aplicar una estrategia de precios bajos para la exportación de dicho producto, se determinó que el precio de venta ideal es de 7.90 euros, haciendo que el margen de ganancia para la empresa sea del 200%.
The general objective was to analyze the international demand for the export of fresh cheese of the company Perú Cheese S.R.L., Cajamarca, 2020, methodologically focused on the type of mixed research with a DEXPLIS design and a cross-sectional measurement. To meet this objective, the first population taken as the first population within the study of macro-segmentation was all the countries importing fresh cheese, which had as a sample the top 20 buyer states of that product, as the second population was the company PERU CHEESE SRL of Cajamarca in its entirety which has 16 workers, where a sample of only 1 person was obtained, which was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. of Cajamarca in its totality, which has 16 workers, where a sample of only 1 person was obtained, which was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, within the instruments the data analysis and the interview guide were used, therefore this inquiry approached a study from the quantitative and qualitative approach. The results of the macro-segmentation study show that France is an excellent market for the export of fresh cheese. Finally, after applying a low price strategy for the export of this product, it was determined that the ideal selling price is 7.90 euros, making the profit margin for the company 200%.
The general objective was to analyze the international demand for the export of fresh cheese of the company Perú Cheese S.R.L., Cajamarca, 2020, methodologically focused on the type of mixed research with a DEXPLIS design and a cross-sectional measurement. To meet this objective, the first population taken as the first population within the study of macro-segmentation was all the countries importing fresh cheese, which had as a sample the top 20 buyer states of that product, as the second population was the company PERU CHEESE SRL of Cajamarca in its entirety which has 16 workers, where a sample of only 1 person was obtained, which was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. of Cajamarca in its totality, which has 16 workers, where a sample of only 1 person was obtained, which was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, within the instruments the data analysis and the interview guide were used, therefore this inquiry approached a study from the quantitative and qualitative approach. The results of the macro-segmentation study show that France is an excellent market for the export of fresh cheese. Finally, after applying a low price strategy for the export of this product, it was determined that the ideal selling price is 7.90 euros, making the profit margin for the company 200%.
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Discipline: Administración y Negocios Internacionales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración y Negocios Internacionales
Juror: Cáceres Iglesias, Paulo César; Velasco Luza, Luis Felipe; Soriano Torres, Paulo
Register date: 23-Jan-2023
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