Bibliographic citations
Oyarce, C., Requejo, F. (2023). Nivel de soledad en adultos mayores no institucionalizados de un Centro de Salud en Chorrillos, Lima – Perú, 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Oyarce, C., Requejo, F. Nivel de soledad en adultos mayores no institucionalizados de un Centro de Salud en Chorrillos, Lima – Perú, 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Nivel de soledad en adultos mayores no institucionalizados de un Centro de Salud en Chorrillos, Lima – Perú, 2023",
author = "Requejo Marin, Flor Elena",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
Old age is an unavoidable stage, but its impact depends on biological and social factors; as age advances, the perception of loneliness increases. A quantitative, descriptive study was conducted to determine the level of general, familial, marital, social, and existential crisis loneliness in older adults. The study included 80 older adults from the "Salud Delicias de Villa" Center - Chorrillos, Lima - Perú, in 2023. Non-probabilistic sampling was used. The ESTE-R Scale was employed as the instrument. The results showed a medium level of loneliness overall (68.8%), medium level of familial loneliness (65%), medium level of marital loneliness (55%), medium level of social loneliness (57.5%), and medium level of existential crisis (57.5%). In conclusion, a medium level of loneliness prevailed compared to low and high levels
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