Bibliographic citations
Carrasco, L., (2022). Aplicación de la NIC 8 Políticas contables y su efecto en la presentación de los estados financieros en la Coopac La Rehabilitadora, Lima, 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Carrasco, L., Aplicación de la NIC 8 Políticas contables y su efecto en la presentación de los estados financieros en la Coopac La Rehabilitadora, Lima, 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Aplicación de la NIC 8 Políticas contables y su efecto en la presentación de los estados financieros en la Coopac La Rehabilitadora, Lima, 2018",
author = "Carrasco Lazo, Lidia Ines",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
The objective of this research work is to analyze the application of IAS 8 Accounting Policies and its effect on the presentation of Financial Statements in COOPAC. La Rehabilitadora, Lima, 2018, a cross-sectional non-experimental design of quantitative methodology, of an application type, was applied, having a correlational scope since the two variables are related since information was collected from a period of time, the population and the samples were represented by the collaborators made up of 8 people from the Accounting area, Administrative Council, Planning and Finance and Credit and Collections Unit of the La Rehabilitadora cooperative, said information was collected through data collection instruments such as the questionnaire and documentary analysis . The results show the importance of having an accounting policy manual adapted to IFRS. Therefore, it was determined that applying IAS 8 accounting policies has a positive impact on the financial statements, showing real and transparent information for decision making in the cooperative.
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