Bibliographic citations
Alfaro, M., (2016). Propuesta de un sistema de gestión de mantenimiento para incrementar la productividad del sistema contra incendios de Westfire Sudamérica S. R. L. en Minera Chinalco Perú [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Alfaro, M., Propuesta de un sistema de gestión de mantenimiento para incrementar la productividad del sistema contra incendios de Westfire Sudamérica S. R. L. en Minera Chinalco Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Propuesta de un sistema de gestión de mantenimiento para incrementar la productividad del sistema contra incendios de Westfire Sudamérica S. R. L. en Minera Chinalco Perú",
author = "Alfaro Gonzales, Martín Erickson",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
ABSTRACT Currently in the project does not have a maintenance management system to identify frequent failures to analyze and seek improvement actions, which has an impact on productivity fire system. By implementing the proposed maintenance management system is able to reduce the number of failures by the improvement actions. The information was collected log daily log of work, where the historical information interventions fire systems is stored, and processed by a Paretto diagram to identify frequent failures, so you can analyze them to propose actions improvement. It could achieve higher mean time between failures, thereby reducing the number of field stops by system failures. Decrease the MTTR, having a standard maintenance and reduce unnecessary downloads fire system. Increase system availability fire Westfire South America in the fleet of Minera Chinalco Peru, thereby helping to improve the productivity of its fleet. It is recommended to implement the proposed management system maintenance of fire protection systems.
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