Bibliographic citations
Valentin, C., (2017). Beneficios de la implementación de la estrategia CRM en el área de soporte, para fidelizar a los clientes de una PYME, en el rubro de aire acondicionado – 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Valentin, C., Beneficios de la implementación de la estrategia CRM en el área de soporte, para fidelizar a los clientes de una PYME, en el rubro de aire acondicionado – 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Beneficios de la implementación de la estrategia CRM en el área de soporte, para fidelizar a los clientes de una PYME, en el rubro de aire acondicionado – 2016",
author = "Valentin Jara, Cristian Oswaldo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
ABSTRACT The management of the relationship of the clients today is indispensable in all type of organization. A strategic CRM approach, which is implemented as an improvement in the process, must be defined from the head of the company to the last level of it. In the field of air conditioning maintenance services, it is necessary to have an efficient work system and to depend mainly on one of the fundamental pillars of the whole organization, the human factor. Also And with great importance also to the processes, which are totally oriented to the Customer; Failure to do so runs the risk of losing and wasting many resources and failure of the organization. As a proposal for improvement in the support process and customer service, for a company that provides air conditioning maintenance service, the functions of front offices are reviewed, and a support area is implemented to manage the requirements and services. With the expectations and voice of Customer. For an efficient management of customers, services and needs, the implementation of the CRM strategy is proposed, as it is very beneficial due to improvements in communication, information management, decision making, Management Way of seeing the business and in the impact towards the clients both internal and external. It is the technical personnel and helpers who are in contact with the clients, and based on adaptive leadership, the CRM strategy must be implemented considering the human resource, since this represents 50% of its success. It is not a question of obtaining a program, but rather of restructuring the business model and all the procedures aimed at the objectives and benefits for the client, the company, the collaborators, the suppliers and the distributors. It is essential to have leaders trained and capable of properly directing staff. It is a main axis in this strategy. The CRM strategy implemented generated major changes, the indicators of maintenance management of equipment improved significantly, services executed one time, 45% reached 91% compliance. The reduction of 20% of the services executed within the tolerance and the elimination of services out of time. This new condition and added timely support, and segmented and reinforced with all the benefits of the strategy, leads to contribute to customer loyalty.
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