Bibliographic citations
Barrantes, N., Huaman, L. (2023). Influencia del uso de Geomalla Biaxial Bx3030 para la estabilización en los suelos del camino vecinal de la localidad El Frutillo – Hualgayoc, Cajamarca - 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Barrantes, N., Huaman, L. Influencia del uso de Geomalla Biaxial Bx3030 para la estabilización en los suelos del camino vecinal de la localidad El Frutillo – Hualgayoc, Cajamarca - 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Influencia del uso de Geomalla Biaxial Bx3030 para la estabilización en los suelos del camino vecinal de la localidad El Frutillo – Hualgayoc, Cajamarca - 2023",
author = "Huaman Novoa, Leonardo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The main objective of this research work was to determine the influence of the use of Biaxial Geogrids, in the stabilization with respect to the bearing capacity of the subgrade of the soils of the Camino Vecinal De La Localidad El Frutillo, Bambamarca - Hualgayoc - Cajamarca - 2023, due to Due to the fact that said natural soils present deficiencies in their physical and mechanical properties, it is also a main road for access to the Plaza Pecuaria, consequently there are problems of settlement and wear due to the same vehicular traffic. The research consists of an experimental design methodology, of a quantitative approach with an applied orientation because we try to solve a social problem, we work with 03 pits as a sample of the soils of the Camino Vecinal De La Localidad El Frutillo, likewise we carry out laboratory tests It states that the type of soil is Sandy Clay, with a Plasticity Index of 9.26% and according to the Modified Proctor we obtain an Average Moisture content of 10.81%, a Dry Density of 1.94 gr/cm3 and a degree of compaction of 82%, which are not optimal according to MTC 2014. Finally, a null hypothesis of the present investigation is rejected through the analysis of the ANOVA Variance, because the results of the CBR without Geogrid have an average of 15.49% at 95% of the MDS and the CBR with the incorporation of 01 Geogrid layer is from 19.69% to 95% of the MDS, therefore it is shown that there is an average increase of the CBR of 4.21%, thus concluding that the incorporation of 01 Geogrid layer helps to stabilize in relation to the bearing capacity of the soils of the Neighborhood Road of the Locality El Frutillo, Bambamarca - Hualgayoc - Cajamarca.
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