Bibliographic citations
Ayasta, M., (2024). Prevalencia de anemia en gestantes atendidas en consulta obstétrica en el Centro Materno Infantil y Emergencias Tablada de Lurín – Villa María del Triunfo, 2021 [Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener].
Ayasta, M., Prevalencia de anemia en gestantes atendidas en consulta obstétrica en el Centro Materno Infantil y Emergencias Tablada de Lurín – Villa María del Triunfo, 2021 []. PE: Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener; 2024.
title = "Prevalencia de anemia en gestantes atendidas en consulta obstétrica en el Centro Materno Infantil y Emergencias Tablada de Lurín – Villa María del Triunfo, 2021",
author = "Ayasta Mejía, María Luisa",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener",
year = "2024"
Research titled Prevalence of anemia in pregnant women treated in obstetric consultation at the Maternal and Child Center and tablada emergencies of Lurín – Villa María del Triunfo, 2021. "Its general objective was to determine the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women treated in obstetric consultation at the Lurín maternal and child emergency center. The research method was based on observation and adopted a quantitative. It was a basic descriptive, no-experimental, and retrospective study. Initially, the study population of 136 participants, but 120 pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria were finally selected using a non-probabilistic convenience sampling method. As a result of the investigation, thefollowing conclusion was reached": Most cases of anemia in the sample are mild, while 30% are moderate. This indicates that, although mild anemia is predominant, there is a significant proportion of moderate cases that require attention. Based on demographic characteristics, we can say that: Most cases of mild anemia (69%) and moderate anemia (67%) are concentrated in the 18 to 29 age group. The highest percentage of mild anemia is observed in cohabiting (46.4%) and married (21.4%) people. In the case of moderate anemia, cohabiting women also have a high prevalence (47.2%). 70.2% of those with mild anemia have secondary education as their highest educational level. Moderate anemia also affects those who only have secondary education to a greater extent (83.3%). Most of those affected by mild anemia are housewives (51.2%), while this percentage increases to 66.7% in the case of moderate anemia. The inhabitants of the coast represent the highest percentage of both types of anemia (57.1% mild and 52.8% moderate). Most cases of mild (60.7%) and moderate (61.1%) anemia correspond to people with an economic income of 950 soles. Primiparous: 17.9% with mild anemia and 16.7% with moderate anemia. Multiparous: 82.1% with mild anemia and 83.3% with moderate anemia. Total: 99 multiparous women (82.5%). Intergenital period < 24 months: 78.6% with mild anemia and 88.9% with moderate anemia (81.7% in total). ≥ 24 months: 21.4% with mild anemia and 11.1% with moderate anemia (18.3% in total). Prenatal Care: < 4 check-ups: 27.4% with mild anemia and 36.1% with moderate anemia. 4 - 6 controls: 20.2% with mild anemia and 11.1% with moderate anemia. 9 or more controls: 52.4% with mild anemia and 52.8% with moderate anemia (total: 52.5%). Pregnancy Planning: Yes: 22.6% with mild anemia and 27.8% with moderate anemia (total: 24.2%). No: 77.4% with mild anemia and 72.2% with moderate anemia (total: 75.8%). Ferrous Sulfate Intake: Yes: 65.5% with mild anemia and 75.0% with moderate anemia (total: 68.3%). No: 34.5% with mild anemia and 25.0% with moderate anemia (total: 31.7%). The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women treated at the Tablada de Lurín CMI is high, reaching 77.9%. This highlights the need for prevention and treatment strategies targeting this vulnerable group.
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