Bibliographic citations
Cruzado, J., (2024). Representaciones sociales de la salud mental en profesionales de atención en instituciones de salud mental de Lima Metropolitana [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Cruzado, J., Representaciones sociales de la salud mental en profesionales de atención en instituciones de salud mental de Lima Metropolitana []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2024.
title = "Representaciones sociales de la salud mental en profesionales de atención en instituciones de salud mental de Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Cruzado Cama, Juan Diego",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2024"
The following investigation aims to describe the social representations of mental health in professional caregivers working at mental health institutions in Lima. For that purpose, qualitative methodology and a descriptive scope were used to apply semi structured interviews to 11 mental health professionals that had been working as caregivers at mental health institutions. The results point at three main themes on the description of social representations of mental health: Mental health’s conceptions, Attitudes towards mental health’s practice and Expectations of recovery of mental health. The results show that mental health’s conceptions are in transit between paradigms of health and that the social representations of mental health are nurtured by the ideas and images brought up by the communitarian mental health attention model, also showing positive attitudes towards the mental health practice and negative attitude towards the healthcare system. In conclusion, social representations of mental health show us that there are tendencies toward the adoption of the communitarian mental health attention model in mental health practice, however there is still ideological lag from the engrained concepts associated to the biomedical paradigm of health on the mental health professionals.
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