Bibliographic citations
Acero, C., (2024). La música, a través de las canciones infantiles, como medio que favorece la socialización en los niños de 5 años con trastorno espectro autista (TEA) del nivel inicial [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Acero, C., La música, a través de las canciones infantiles, como medio que favorece la socialización en los niños de 5 años con trastorno espectro autista (TEA) del nivel inicial []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "La música, a través de las canciones infantiles, como medio que favorece la socialización en los niños de 5 años con trastorno espectro autista (TEA) del nivel inicial",
author = "Acero Cardenas, Clara Fausta",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
The present thesis focuses on the use of children's songs as a tool to promote socialization in 5-year-old children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the initial level. Its main objective is to identify how these songs can facilitate the socialization of these children. The work is divided into two chapters. The first offers a historical overview and definitions of ASD, providing a theoretical context. The second chapter focuses on the role of music in the overall development of children with ASD, highlighting how children's songs, through structured activities, can enhance and encourage socialization. The main conclusion is that children's songs are a valuable and effective tool for promoting social interaction and communication in children with ASD. Incorporating songs into the educational curriculum can create a supportive environment that benefits the overall development of children with autism.
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