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Asmat, L., (2024). El feminicidio en el Perú: desafíos y perspectivas [Trabajo académico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Asmat, L., El feminicidio en el Perú: desafíos y perspectivas [Trabajo académico]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "El feminicidio en el Perú: desafíos y perspectivas",
author = "Asmat Inga, Liz Jaqueline",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Title: El feminicidio en el Perú: desafíos y perspectivas
Authors(s): Asmat Inga, Liz Jaqueline
Advisor(s): Limay Chávez, Raquel
Keywords: Violencia contra la mujer--Legislación--Perú; Igualdad ante la ley--Legislación--Perú; Violencia contra la mujer--Política gubernamental--Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 19-Nov-2024
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El presente trabajo versa sobre el análisis del feminicidio en el Perú, exponiendo
los diversos desafíos que se encuentran en cada elemento que compone el delito
y las perspectivas halladas tanto en la doctrina como jurisprudencia con el
propósito de que el lector asuma una postura. Así pues, el problema principal
desarrollado en este artículo es la correcta interpretación del ilícito en nuestra
normativa a la luz de los instrumentos nacionales e internacionales, esto a fin de
que se identifique de manera acertada en cada caso específico cuándo se estará
en este escenario delictivo. En ese sentido, las principales conclusiones a las
que se ha arribado son las siguientes: Primero, la tipificación del feminicidio en
nuestro país es producto de las obligaciones internacionales y las políticas
nacionales de lucha contra la violencia y la discrimiacion. Segundo, es un delito
pluriofensivo y uno de sus bienes jurídicos protegidos es la igualdad material que
viene a ser la subordinación y discriminación hacia la mujer, limitando el goce
efectivo de los derechos fundamentales de la muje producto de estereotipos de
género. Tercero, la redacción del texto normativo no establece si el agente es
mujer u hombre, por ende, al margen de determinar si el perpetrador del delito
de feminicidio es hombre o mujer, es esencial que la víctima sea una mujer.
Cuarto, el derecho debe moldearse a la realidad humana, aplicando la ley de
manera efectiva, sin estereotipos de género y ni prejuicios. Quinto, los contextos
en que se da el feminicidio es importante para ubicar el hecho delictivo y los
estereotipos empleados contra la mujer. Sexto, la interpretación al elemento “por
su condición de tal” consiste en que el agente le ocasiona la muerte a la mujer
porque incumple el estereotipo que le impuso. Y séptimo, la importancia de la
perspectiva de género en nuestra sociedad es importante para un correcto
análisis de cada caso de violencia de género, pues a través de ella se puede ver
desde una nueva óptica más clara.
This work deals with the analysis of femicide in Peru, exposing the various challenges found in each element that makes up the crime and the perspectives found in both doctrine and jurisprudence with the purpose of the reader assuming a position. Thus, the main problem developed in this article is the correct interpretation of the crime in our regulations in light of national and international instruments, in order to accurately identify in each specific case when one will be in this criminal scenario. In this sense, the main conclusions reached are the following: First, The classification of feminicide in our country is a product of international obligations and national policies to combat violence and discrimination. Second, it is a multi-offensive crime and one of its protected legal rights is material equality, which amounts to subordination and discrimination towards women, limiting the effective enjoyment of women's fundamental rights as a result of gender stereotypes. Third, the wording of the regulatory text does not establish whether the agent is a woman or a man, therefore, apart from determining whether the perpetrator of the crime of feminicide is a man or a woman, it is essential that the victim be a woman. Fourth, the law must be molded to human reality, applying the law effectively, without gender stereotypes or prejudices. Fifth, the contexts in which feminicide occurs is important to locate the criminal act and the stereotypes used against women. Sixth, the interpretation of the element “due to her status as such” is that the agent causes the death of the woman because she fails to comply with the stereotype that was imposed on her. And seventh, the importance of the gender perspective in our society is important for a correct analysis of each case of gender violence, since through it it can be seen from a new, clearer perspective.
This work deals with the analysis of femicide in Peru, exposing the various challenges found in each element that makes up the crime and the perspectives found in both doctrine and jurisprudence with the purpose of the reader assuming a position. Thus, the main problem developed in this article is the correct interpretation of the crime in our regulations in light of national and international instruments, in order to accurately identify in each specific case when one will be in this criminal scenario. In this sense, the main conclusions reached are the following: First, The classification of feminicide in our country is a product of international obligations and national policies to combat violence and discrimination. Second, it is a multi-offensive crime and one of its protected legal rights is material equality, which amounts to subordination and discrimination towards women, limiting the effective enjoyment of women's fundamental rights as a result of gender stereotypes. Third, the wording of the regulatory text does not establish whether the agent is a woman or a man, therefore, apart from determining whether the perpetrator of the crime of feminicide is a man or a woman, it is essential that the victim be a woman. Fourth, the law must be molded to human reality, applying the law effectively, without gender stereotypes or prejudices. Fifth, the contexts in which feminicide occurs is important to locate the criminal act and the stereotypes used against women. Sixth, the interpretation of the element “due to her status as such” is that the agent causes the death of the woman because she fails to comply with the stereotype that was imposed on her. And seventh, the importance of the gender perspective in our society is important for a correct analysis of each case of gender violence, since through it it can be seen from a new, clearer perspective.
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Discipline: Derechos Fundamentales y Constitucionalismo en América Latina
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Segunda Especialidad en Derechos Fundamentales y Constitucionalismo en América Latina
Register date: 19-Nov-2024
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