Bibliographic citations
Delgado, C., (2022). El circo como estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de la expresión artístico-corporal en niños de 4 años [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Delgado, C., El circo como estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de la expresión artístico-corporal en niños de 4 años []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "El circo como estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de la expresión artístico-corporal en niños de 4 años",
author = "Delgado Ruiz Bravo, Camila",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
This innovation project is entitled "The circus as a didactic strategy for the development of artistic-corporal expression in 4-year-old children." This thesis, carried out at a didactic level, seeks to design activities that promote artistic-corporal expression, using the circus as a strategy. In this way, the general objective of the project is: To elaborate a pedagogical innovation proposal with circus activities for the development of artistic - corporal expression in 4-year-old children in a private educational center in the district of Miraflores. In this proposal, three types of activities are proposed: floor acrobatics, aerial acrobatics and finally clown. These play a transcendental role in the exploration and corporal expression of every child, since it not only involves the movement of the body, but also the inner expression, at the same time that they develop creativity and collective work.
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