Bibliographic citations
Mazuelos, A., (2022). Competencias del perfil de egreso de la licenciatura en psicología a través de las prácticas pre-profesionales en una institución educativa pública peruana [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Mazuelos, A., Competencias del perfil de egreso de la licenciatura en psicología a través de las prácticas pre-profesionales en una institución educativa pública peruana []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Competencias del perfil de egreso de la licenciatura en psicología a través de las prácticas pre-profesionales en una institución educativa pública peruana",
author = "Mazuelos Beas, Ana Paula",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
In this paper, the activities carried out in the pre-professional performance corresponding to the PUCP psychology competences are presented. In the Diagnostica competence, an assessment of needs was developed to explore vocational decision-making and the support received from parents and teachers on a group of 5th grade high school students. To do this, an interview was conducted with a teacher and a quantitative and qualitative survey for students and parents. It was identified that students have difficulty in making vocational decisions, which would be related to factors such as little information about careers, insecurity and pressure from their parents. Regarding the Interviene competence an intervention was designed and implemented with students from a 3rd grade high school regarding their motivation to participate in virtual classes. This intervention had three sessions and the strengths and opportunities for improvement were worked on, as well as the establishment of SMART goals. Positive results were obtained by meeting the general objective. Thus, the students used strategies for an active participation in fictitious situations. Finally, regarding the Evalúa competence, the evaluation of an intervention on vocational decision-making with 5th grade high school students was designed. For this, an expost evaluation and monitoring was proposed. Thus, objectives, monitoring indicators and evaluation instruments corresponding to the intervention in general and to each session were proposed. It is important to say that this activity could not be carried out because of the limitations on time and space.
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