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Godiño, Y., Manchego, G., Paul, M. (2024). Modelo prolab: problema de los informales en el distrito de Los Olivos [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Godiño, Y., Manchego, G., Paul, M. Modelo prolab: problema de los informales en el distrito de Los Olivos []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Modelo prolab: problema de los informales en el distrito de Los Olivos",
author = "Paul Ernesto, Marquina Carhuamaca",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Title: Modelo prolab: problema de los informales en el distrito de Los Olivos
Authors(s): Godiño Calisaya, Yoali Fortulyne; Manchego Guerra, Gino Manuel; Paul Ernesto, Marquina Carhuamaca
Advisor(s): Vega Chica, Mayra Liuviana
Keywords: Economía informal--Perú--Los Olivos (Lima : Distrito); Vendedores ambulantes; Comida--Plan de negocios
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 21-May-2024
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El problema principal se da al reconocer todas las dificultades que les genera el ser
informales a los micro empresarios de comida en Lima Metropolitana. Según el Instituto
Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI), más de 3 millones de peruanos de 45 años o
más trabajan en empleos informales de los cuales el 50% son de comida informal. Sin otro
medio de subsistencia que un trabajo sin contrato formal, salen a la calle todos los días para
trabajar para sus familias. El proyecto "Cocifácil" busca abordar el problema de la
informalidad en el sector de la comida en Lima Metropolitana, donde más de 1.5 millones de
personas trabajan en empleos informales relacionados con la alimentación. El modelo de
negocio propone la creación de módulos de cocina independientes para alquilar, permitiendo
a los microempresarios de comida mejorar su situación económica y laboral. La inversión
total para el proyecto es de S/ 576,805.00, con un Valor Actual (VA) de ingresos futuros de
2,123,089. La Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) es del 62.81%, lo que indica un rendimiento
anualizado significativamente mayor al Costo Promedio Ponderado de Capital (WACC) de
8.46%. El proyecto tiene una sólida viabilidad financiera, con un VAN de S/ 501,458 en
cinco años, el proyecto también tiene una tasa interna de retorno financiera (TIRf) del
108.92%, lo que sugiere que el proyecto podría ser rentable y financieramente viable. El
payback o periodo de recuperación de la inversión se estima en 3.22 años.
Además, impactará positivamente a más de 4000 familias de sectores económicos
desfavorecidos y se alinea con los ODS N° 11 y 12, con un IRS del 77%. En términos de
beneficios sociales, generará un VANS de S/ 1,909,484.55 en cinco años. En resumen,
"Cocifácil" es un modelo de negocio innovador y viable que aborda un problema social
relevante en Perú, ofreciendo soluciones sostenibles y un impacto social positivo.
The main problem occurs when recognizing all the difficulties that being informal generates for food microentrepreneurs in Metropolitan Lima. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), more than 3 million Peruvians aged 45 or over work in informal jobs, of which 50% are informal food. With no other means of subsistence than a job without a formal contract, they go out on the streets every day to work for their families. The "Cocifácil" project seeks to address the problem of informality in the food sector in Metropolitan Lima, where more than 1.5 million people work in informal jobs related to food. The business model proposes the creation of independent kitchen modules to rent, allowing food microentrepreneurs to improve their economic and employment situation. The total investment for the project is S/ 576,805.00, with a Present Value (VA) of future income of 2,123,089. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 62.81%, which indicates an annualized return significantly higher than the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of 8.46%. The project has a solid financial viability, with a NPV of S/ 501,458 in five years, the project also has a financial internal rate of return (IRRf) of 108.92%, which suggests that the project could be profitable and financially viable. The payback or recovery period of the investment is estimated at 3.22 years. . In addition, it will positively impact more than 4,000 families from disadvantaged economic sectors and is aligned with SDG No. 11 and 12, with an IRS of 77%. In terms of social benefits, it will generate a VANS of S/ 1,909,484.55 in five years. In summary, "Cocifácil" is an innovative and viable business model that addresses a relevant social problem in Peru, offering sustainable solutions and a positive social impact.
The main problem occurs when recognizing all the difficulties that being informal generates for food microentrepreneurs in Metropolitan Lima. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), more than 3 million Peruvians aged 45 or over work in informal jobs, of which 50% are informal food. With no other means of subsistence than a job without a formal contract, they go out on the streets every day to work for their families. The "Cocifácil" project seeks to address the problem of informality in the food sector in Metropolitan Lima, where more than 1.5 million people work in informal jobs related to food. The business model proposes the creation of independent kitchen modules to rent, allowing food microentrepreneurs to improve their economic and employment situation. The total investment for the project is S/ 576,805.00, with a Present Value (VA) of future income of 2,123,089. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 62.81%, which indicates an annualized return significantly higher than the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of 8.46%. The project has a solid financial viability, with a NPV of S/ 501,458 in five years, the project also has a financial internal rate of return (IRRf) of 108.92%, which suggests that the project could be profitable and financially viable. The payback or recovery period of the investment is estimated at 3.22 years. . In addition, it will positively impact more than 4,000 families from disadvantaged economic sectors and is aligned with SDG No. 11 and 12, with an IRS of 77%. In terms of social benefits, it will generate a VANS of S/ 1,909,484.55 in five years. In summary, "Cocifácil" is an innovative and viable business model that addresses a relevant social problem in Peru, offering sustainable solutions and a positive social impact.
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Discipline: Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Juror: Bazán Tejada, Carlos Armando; Ramírez Lozano, Julianna Paola; Vega Chica, Mayra Liuviana
Register date: 21-May-2024
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