Bibliographic citations
Vera, U., (2023). La inscripción, en el registro de predios, de la cláusula resolutoria expresa contenida en los contratos de compraventa de inmuebles [Trabajo académico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Vera, U., La inscripción, en el registro de predios, de la cláusula resolutoria expresa contenida en los contratos de compraventa de inmuebles [Trabajo académico]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "La inscripción, en el registro de predios, de la cláusula resolutoria expresa contenida en los contratos de compraventa de inmuebles",
author = "Vera Vargas, Ulises Bryan Hernán",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
What is analyzed and studied in this report, mainly, are the cases in which the public official registers a termination of contract due to an express resolutory clause in real estate purchase and sale contracts. This is due to the fact that the effects of the registration of this resolution are quite important, they imply patrimonial restitution, and if the title deed filed with “Institution of registration of public titles or Sunarp” complies with the requirements established in art. 102 of the Real Estate Regulation, it should theoretically be registered. What we question, in this regard, is the theoretical ease with which this type of clauses can be registered. Since there may be a risk of fraudulent resolutions, that is to say, resolutions that do not deserve to be registered. In our country, there have already been cases of real estate mafias, who play to comply with the rules of the registries with the purpose of registering fraudulent titles, generating third parties, etc. An example of this was the Orellana mafia -a case we will not deal with-. The consequences of a fraudulent resolution is the registration of a resolution with restitutory effect of patrimony. And all this can happen without the other party being aware of it. As a conclusion, it is proposed that when unilateral termination titles are filed due to a resolutory clause, the other party should be notified of what is happening in the public registries with the entry, similar to what is done in the registry alert system, so that the person may file an opposition, similar to what is regulated by Law No. 30313 in cases of identity theft, and that if it is the case, the term of validity of the filing entry be suspended, until the competent entity decides who is in the right.
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