Bibliographic citations
Ruiz, J., (2024). El regreso del control difuso administrativo a la luz de la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional No. 3741-2004-AA/TC [Trabajo académico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Ruiz, J., El regreso del control difuso administrativo a la luz de la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional No. 3741-2004-AA/TC [Trabajo académico]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "El regreso del control difuso administrativo a la luz de la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional No. 3741-2004-AA/TC",
author = "Ruiz Diaz, Javier Andres",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
In this article, a legal controversy arises regarding the binding precedent established by the ruling of the Constitutional Court in the context of the Salazar Yarlenque case. In the above-mentioned binding precedent, it was legitimized the possibility that the administrative agencies that impart justice can disregard infra-constitutional rules that are contradictory to the principles and values constitutionally guaranteed and that define legal system under a Social and Democratic State of Law. Nonetheless, many years later, a different ruling of the Constitutional Court decided to overturn the binding precedent that is subject of this controversial case, as it argued that the interpretation of the scope of the jurisdictional functions in the government has been misinterpreted, whereby these powers would exclusively concern Judiciary Branch and its associated institutions. In that regard, this article of professional sufficiency deepens in the constitutional discussion regarding the boundaries and scope of the jurisdictional functions of public administration as one of the key entities for the proper functioning of the state administration apparatus. Consequently, this paper will analyze the legitimacy of the application of diffuse control, as a legal tool authorized by article 138 of the Constitution, for administrative institutions that administer justice in order to rule on the inapplication of legal norms that, regardless of being lawful, represent a potentially harmful component to general interest and to the protection of fundamental rights of those who are subject to the administration. Finally, it will be evaluated whether it would be possible to return to the jurisprudential position that legitimizes diffuse control in the administrative courts.
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