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Chamorro, E., (2024). Informe de experiencia de Prácticas Pre-Profesionales en una escuela estatal de Lima Metropolitana [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Chamorro, E., Informe de experiencia de Prácticas Pre-Profesionales en una escuela estatal de Lima Metropolitana []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Informe de experiencia de Prácticas Pre-Profesionales en una escuela estatal de Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Chamorro Peralta, Emanuel Eduardo",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Title: Informe de experiencia de Prácticas Pre-Profesionales en una escuela estatal de Lima Metropolitana
Authors(s): Chamorro Peralta, Emanuel Eduardo
Advisor(s): Navarro Fernández, Ricardo Javier
Keywords: Escuelas públicas--Perú--Lima; Psicología--Práctica--Perú--Lima; Competencias básicas--Perú--Lima
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 5-Feb-2024
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: Las competencias de “Diagnóstico”, “Intervención” y “Evaluación” en el ámbito de la
formación en la Psicología son esenciales para desarrollar habilidades claves en la práctica
profesional. En el proceso de “Diagnóstico”, se adquiere la capacidad de recopilar y analizar
información relevante sobre el contexto y los participantes, permitiendo identificar situaciones
problemáticas y formular estrategias específicas para modificar conductas disruptivas. Además, se
desarrollan habilidades de observación y análisis de comportamiento, junto con la aptitud para
dialogar con fuentes expertas y recopilar datos con precisión. En cuanto a la “Intervención”, estas
competencias se manifiestan mediante la implementación de técnicas conductuales adecuadas para
modificar comportamientos no deseados y dirigir las acciones de los involucrados. Esto implica
establecer parámetros claros, como la selección de conductas objetivo y reforzadores, y discernir
cuáles técnicas aplicar en cada situación, requiriendo una habilidad de discernimiento y toma de
decisiones por parte del profesional. Por último, la “Evaluación” se destaca a través de la
utilización de pruebas psicológicas validadas para obtener una visión integral de los sujetos
evaluados. Esto implica familiarizarse con las pruebas, entrenarse en su uso adecuado y dominarlas
para evitar sesgos y mantener la ética en el proceso. La generación de informes detallados a partir
de los resultados obtenidos no solo brinda una base para futuras intervenciones y mejoras, sino
que también contribuye a la retroalimentación a las autoridades pertinentes. En otras palabras,
estas competencias fundamentales en Psicología capacitan al profesional para abordar una amplia
gama de situaciones, desde el diagnóstico preciso hasta la implementación efectiva de estrategias
de intervención y la evaluación integral de resultados, promoviendo un enfoque ético y efectivo
en la práctica psicológica.
The competencies of "Diagnosis," "Intervention," and "Evaluation" within the realm of Psychology education are essential for developing key skills in professional practice. In the "Diagnosis" process, the capacity to gather and analyze relevant information about the context and participants is acquired, enabling the identification of problematic situations and the formulation of specific strategies to modify disruptive behaviors. Furthermore, skills in observation and behavior analysis are developed, along with the ability to engage with expert sources and gather data accurately. Concerning "Intervention," these competencies are demonstrated through the implementation of appropriate behavioral techniques to modify undesired behaviors and guide the actions of those involved. This involves setting clear parameters, such as selecting target behaviors and reinforcers, and discerning which techniques to apply in each situation, requiring discernment and decision-making skills from the professional. Lastly, "Evaluation" is emphasized through the use of validated psychological tests to obtain a comprehensive view of the evaluated subjects. This entails becoming familiar with the tests, training in their proper use, and mastering them to avoid biases and maintain ethics in the process. Generating detailed reports based on the obtained results not only provides a foundation for future interventions and improvements but also contributes to feedback for relevant authorities. In other words, these fundamental competencies in Psychology empower the professional to address a wide range of situations, from accurate diagnosis to the effective implementation of intervention strategies and comprehensive result evaluation, promoting an ethical and effective approach in psychological practice.
The competencies of "Diagnosis," "Intervention," and "Evaluation" within the realm of Psychology education are essential for developing key skills in professional practice. In the "Diagnosis" process, the capacity to gather and analyze relevant information about the context and participants is acquired, enabling the identification of problematic situations and the formulation of specific strategies to modify disruptive behaviors. Furthermore, skills in observation and behavior analysis are developed, along with the ability to engage with expert sources and gather data accurately. Concerning "Intervention," these competencies are demonstrated through the implementation of appropriate behavioral techniques to modify undesired behaviors and guide the actions of those involved. This involves setting clear parameters, such as selecting target behaviors and reinforcers, and discerning which techniques to apply in each situation, requiring discernment and decision-making skills from the professional. Lastly, "Evaluation" is emphasized through the use of validated psychological tests to obtain a comprehensive view of the evaluated subjects. This entails becoming familiar with the tests, training in their proper use, and mastering them to avoid biases and maintain ethics in the process. Generating detailed reports based on the obtained results not only provides a foundation for future interventions and improvements but also contributes to feedback for relevant authorities. In other words, these fundamental competencies in Psychology empower the professional to address a wide range of situations, from accurate diagnosis to the effective implementation of intervention strategies and comprehensive result evaluation, promoting an ethical and effective approach in psychological practice.
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Discipline: Psicología
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Psicología
Grade or title: Licenciado en Psicología
Juror: Navarro Fernández, Ricardo Javier; Espinoza Rivera, Marianella Lorena; Paredes Venero, Renato
Register date: 5-Feb-2024
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