Bibliographic citations
Velasquez, S., (2024). Concepciones docentes acerca de la disciplina positiva para el desarrollo de la conciencia emocional en niños de 4 años en una I.E. privada de Surco [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Velasquez, S., Concepciones docentes acerca de la disciplina positiva para el desarrollo de la conciencia emocional en niños de 4 años en una I.E. privada de Surco []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Concepciones docentes acerca de la disciplina positiva para el desarrollo de la conciencia emocional en niños de 4 años en una I.E. privada de Surco",
author = "Velasquez Bondia, Sthefanny",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
The research topic is positive discipline for the development of emotional awareness. This is a qualitative and descriptive research, belonging to the research line Early Childhood Development and Education of the Faculty of Education PUCP. Which presents as a study problem the following question: what are the teachers' conceptions about positive discipline for the development of emotional awareness in 4 years old children in a private school in Surco? Therefore, the general objective is to analyze teachers' conceptions about positive discipline for the development of emotional awareness in 4 years old children. In order to gather the necessary information, a semi-structured interview was used, with two teachers of the 4 years old classrooms of a private educational institution in the district of Surco as informants. In relation to the results obtained, it can be mentioned that the conceptions of the teachers of the 4 years old classrooms are affirmative to the study question, since they highlight the contribution of positive discipline for the development of emotional awareness, such as the importance of emotional recognition, the identification of emotions in children and the description of each emotion in the different contexts in which they can develop.
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