Bibliographic citations
Aldonate, G., (2024). Aproximación a la tercerización de servicios en el sector minería: supuesto(s) en el que podemos afirmar que nos encontramos frente a una tercerización de servicios válida en el caso de contratistas mineras, y pautas preliminares para una adecuada gestión [Trabajo académico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Aldonate, G., Aproximación a la tercerización de servicios en el sector minería: supuesto(s) en el que podemos afirmar que nos encontramos frente a una tercerización de servicios válida en el caso de contratistas mineras, y pautas preliminares para una adecuada gestión [Trabajo académico]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Aproximación a la tercerización de servicios en el sector minería: supuesto(s) en el que podemos afirmar que nos encontramos frente a una tercerización de servicios válida en el caso de contratistas mineras, y pautas preliminares para una adecuada gestión",
author = "Aldonate Pinto, Grecia Elena",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
This research work, analyses the existing regulation on the outsourcing of services in the mining sector, specifically for mining contractors duly registered with the General Directorate of Mining of the Ministry of Energy and Mines. The purpose is to determine the conditions under which valid outsourcing of services in the mining sector takes place, based on the compatibility of the sectoral and general regulations in force. The purpose of this paper is to provide an approach to such converging regulation and to postulate an interpretative proposal that allows the compatibility of the general and sectoral regulation. On this basis, the aim is to establish the necessary bases for an outsourcing that has, firstly, a valid object; and secondly, that complies with the legal requirements that the legal system provides for the specific case of the mining contractor. An attempt is made to reveal the main difficulties that arise in the regulatory application of this matter to the facts, due to the particularities of the sector. Likewise, some basic guidelines are tested for the design of a future management tool, which allows developing or executing a valid outsourcing of services in the relationship between mining owners and mining contractors. The latter, based on the context and particularities of the sector and taking into account four key moments of the relationship: i) in the search for the suitable supplier, ii) at the time of contracting, iii) during the execution of the services, and iv) at the conclusion of the services. It is the author's position that only by understanding all these stages detailed above will it be possible to conclude in an adequate outsourcing management.
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