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Inga, J., (2022). Aplicación de Dosis para Dinamizar las APP, en la reactivación económica post pandemia [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Inga, J., Aplicación de Dosis para Dinamizar las APP, en la reactivación económica post pandemia []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Aplicación de Dosis para Dinamizar las APP, en la reactivación económica post pandemia",
author = "Inga Párraga, José Francisco",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Title: Aplicación de Dosis para Dinamizar las APP, en la reactivación económica post pandemia
Authors(s): Inga Párraga, José Francisco
Advisor(s): Danós Ordóñez, Jorge Elías
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2022
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: Sobre la base fáctica actual de estancamiento en la realización de Asociaciones Público Privadas (APP)
en el Perú, la presente investigación busca responder, desde una perspectiva jurídica, como dinamizar
el desarrollo de proyectos bajo este régimen. Esto, afín de que se contribuya en general con el cierre de
brechas en infraestructura, servicios públicos, servicios relacionados a estos e innovación tecnológica, y
en particular, con la reactivación económica post pandemia mediante el aprovechamiento de los
beneficios de la colaboración entre el Estado y los privados. Para ello, se propone que de: simplificarse
el procedimiento durante las fases de planeamiento - programación y formulación, reformularse la
emisión de opiniones de las Entidades, establecerse el uso gradual obligatorio de los mecanismos de
solución de controversias junto a un Sistema de Alertas Tempranas, y re-empoderarse a Proinversión;
entonces, se logrará el objetivo perseguido. La investigación tuvo un alcance correlacional, aplicando la
Metodología Jurídica de Investigación funcional, dogmática y exegética, que transcurrió entre la toma
de un problema en el desenvolvimiento actual del régimen APP, el análisis del trasfondo jurídico de los
ámbitos planteados en contraste con la regulación actual, y el análisis de la propuesta normativa
presentada para superar el problema indicado. De tal manera, arribamos a la conclusión de la existencia
de problemas normativos que obstaculizan el desarrollo dinámico de las APP, tales problemas pueden
ser superados con la implementación de la propuesta, solo requiriendo ajustes parciales, conservando
lo pertinente, y cimentándose tanto en los principios de enfoque por resultados, planificación,
distribución de riesgos o preservación del valor por dinero esperado; como en criterios de especialidad
y prevención de controversias, que viabilicen la continuidad del proyecto.
Based on the current factual stagnation in the realization of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in Peru, this research seeks to respond, from a legal perspective, how to boost the development of projects under this regime. This, in order to contribute in general with the closing of gaps in infrastructure, public services, services related to these and technological innovation, and in particular, with the postpandemic economic reactivation by taking advantage of the benefits of collaboration between the State and the private ones. To this end, it is proposed that: the procedure be simplified during the planning - programming and formulation phases, the issuance of Entities' opinions be reformulated, the mandatory gradual use of dispute resolution mechanisms be established together with an Early Warning System, and re-empower Proinversión; then, the desired objective will be achieved. The research had a correlational scope, applying the functional, dogmatic and exegetical Legal Research Methodology, which took place between taking a problem in the current development of the APP regime, the analysis of the legal background of the areas raised in contrast with the current regulation, and the analysis of the normative proposal presented to overcome the indicated problem. In this way, we reach the conclusion of the existence of regulatory problems that hinder the dynamic development of PPP, such problems can be overcome with the implementation of the proposal, only requiring partial adjustments, keeping what is pertinent, and based on both the principles focus on results, planning, distribution of risks or preservation of expected value for money; as in criteria of specialty and prevention of controversies, which make possible the continuity of the project.
Based on the current factual stagnation in the realization of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in Peru, this research seeks to respond, from a legal perspective, how to boost the development of projects under this regime. This, in order to contribute in general with the closing of gaps in infrastructure, public services, services related to these and technological innovation, and in particular, with the postpandemic economic reactivation by taking advantage of the benefits of collaboration between the State and the private ones. To this end, it is proposed that: the procedure be simplified during the planning - programming and formulation phases, the issuance of Entities' opinions be reformulated, the mandatory gradual use of dispute resolution mechanisms be established together with an Early Warning System, and re-empower Proinversión; then, the desired objective will be achieved. The research had a correlational scope, applying the functional, dogmatic and exegetical Legal Research Methodology, which took place between taking a problem in the current development of the APP regime, the analysis of the legal background of the areas raised in contrast with the current regulation, and the analysis of the normative proposal presented to overcome the indicated problem. In this way, we reach the conclusion of the existence of regulatory problems that hinder the dynamic development of PPP, such problems can be overcome with the implementation of the proposal, only requiring partial adjustments, keeping what is pertinent, and based on both the principles focus on results, planning, distribution of risks or preservation of expected value for money; as in criteria of specialty and prevention of controversies, which make possible the continuity of the project.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Derecho.
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Huapaya Tapia, Ramón Alberto; Danós Ordóñez, Jorge Elías; Villegas Vega, Paul Nicolas
Register date: 30-Jun-2022
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