Bibliographic citations
Espinoza, S., (2019). Diabetes Mellitus y VIH como factores de riesgo de tuberculosis extrapumonar. Hospital Regional Docente Eleazar Guzmán Barrón [Tesis, Universidad César Vallejo].
Espinoza, S., Diabetes Mellitus y VIH como factores de riesgo de tuberculosis extrapumonar. Hospital Regional Docente Eleazar Guzmán Barrón [Tesis]. PE: Universidad César Vallejo; 2019.
title = "Diabetes Mellitus y VIH como factores de riesgo de tuberculosis extrapumonar. Hospital Regional Docente Eleazar Guzmán Barrón",
author = "Espinoza Sánchez, Samuel Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad César Vallejo",
year = "2019"
Assessed if diabetes mellitus and HIV are risk factors for extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TBEP) in patients cared for in the Eleazar Guzmán Barrón Hospital l in Chimbote between 2011 to 2017. The study was case-control, the sample included 123 cases and 123 controls, medical records were reviewed. We found that diabetes mellitus in patients with TBEP was 6.5% and TBEP was 9.8% no statistical differences p = 0.351, with an OR = 0 643 with its 95% 0.253 to 1.634. The frequency of the TBEP patients human immunodeficiency virus was 5.7% and TBEP was 3.3% no statistical differences p = 0.270, finding an OR = 1 795 with 95% 0.512 to 6.296. tuberculosis was present in males with 52.8% and the age range of 20 to 29 years with 32.9%, pleural localization was more frequent with 20.7%. It was concluded that diabetes mellitus and HIV were not risk factors for extrapulmonary tuberculosis in patients cared for in the Eleazar Guzmán Barrón Hospital in Chimbote.
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