Bibliographic citations
Monsalve, C., Rosales, N., Seminario, L., Vega, K. (2022). La pertenencia grupal como factor de decisión de compra entre mujeres centennials deportistas y con un estilo de vida saludable [Universidad de Lima].
Monsalve, C., Rosales, N., Seminario, L., Vega, K. La pertenencia grupal como factor de decisión de compra entre mujeres centennials deportistas y con un estilo de vida saludable []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2022.
title = "La pertenencia grupal como factor de decisión de compra entre mujeres centennials deportistas y con un estilo de vida saludable",
author = "Vega Cuzcano, Karina Lissett",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2022"
This study aims to determine how The Sense of Belonging to the group of sportswomen with healthy lifestyle influences the purchase decision of centennial women (born between 1995 and 2000). In addition, it pursues to identify the signals that approve or reject their behavior towards the Belonging Target. A qualitative design was used to further understand this target audience by conducting in-depth interviews. A convenience sampling technique was followed, and the data were examined using a thematic analysis technique. The study specifies consumption activities aimed at fostering group belonging. We also delve into the internal and external acceptance cues of the target group and the relation between the purchase decision and the sense of belonging that is sought.
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