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Colfer, G., Pinchi, R. (2024). Clima organizacional y motivación laboral de una organización pública de la Región Ucayali [Universidad de Lima].
Colfer, G., Pinchi, R. Clima organizacional y motivación laboral de una organización pública de la Región Ucayali []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2024.
title = "Clima organizacional y motivación laboral de una organización pública de la Región Ucayali",
author = "Pinchi Tirado, Romina",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2024"
Title: Clima organizacional y motivación laboral de una organización pública de la Región Ucayali
Other Titles: Organizational climate and work motivation of a public organization in the Ucayali Region
Authors(s): Colfer Mosquera, Gabriela Lourdes; Pinchi Tirado, Romina
Advisor(s): Otero Ibáñez, Elizabeth Raquel
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: De acuerdo a Achote et al. (2022), la investigación del clima organizacional en las empresas es fundamental, ya que, si se aplica de forma adecuada, contribuye en la mejora de la salud mental, rendimiento y motivación de los trabajadores. Así mismo, refuerza la unión de los equipos de trabajo de la empresa. Indudablemente, a través del análisis del clima, los altos mandos de la organización podrán comprender la percepción y opinión de sus trabajadores y darse cuenta acerca de los elementos que necesitan ser cambiados.
Con respecto a la motivación, Moyano y Rodríguez (2019) mencionan que es uno de los elementos necesarios para que una empresa pueda ser exitosa, lo que quiere decir, que es muy importante que los colaboradores se encuentren constantemente motivados para que así esto se vea reflejado en una mejorar de sus resultados, compromiso, rendimiento, nivel de rotación y satisfacción laboral.
El objetivo general del trabajo de investigación fue determinar la relación entre el clima organizacional y la motivación laboral de los trabajadores de una Organización Pública de la Región Ucayali; la investigación es de tipo cuantitativa, con diseño no experimental transeccional correlacional, la población estuvo conformada por 98 trabajadores. El presente estudio fue realizado en el año 2020, en plena emergencia sanitaria (covid-19). Con respecto a los principales hallazgos, todas las hipótesis planteadas fueron rechazadas, a excepción de una, en donde se comprobó que existe una relación positiva baja y significativa entre la estructura del puesto con la motivación laboral de una Organización Pública de la Región Ucayali. En conclusión, se tiene que el nivel de clima organizacional es bajo afectando la motivación en los trabajadores en factores como bajas remuneraciones, bajo nivel de pertenencia con su lugar de trabajo, no sienten que se les considere en la toma de decisiones respecto a sus tareas, esto a la larga puede llegar a ser negativo para el crecimiento de la organización pública mencionada. Hay mucho en lo que se debe trabajar en equipo para mejorar la situación actual.
According to Achote et al. (2022), research of organizational climate in companies is fundamental, because, if properly applied, it contributes to the improvement of workers' mental health, performance and motivation. Likewise, it reinforces the union of the company's work teams. Undoubtedly, through climate analysis, the organization's top management will be able to understand the perception and opinion of its workers and realize which elements need to be changed. Regarding motivation, Moyano y Rodriguez (2019) mention that it is one of the necessary elements for a company to be successful, which means that it is very important that employees are constantly motivated so that this is reflected in improved results, commitment, performance, turnover level and job satisfaction. The general objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the organizational climate and the work motivation of the workers at the headquarters of the public oganization of the Ucayali Region; the research is of applied type, with a non-experimental transectional correlational design, the population consisted of 98 workers. The present research was conducted in the year 2020, in the midst of a health emergency (covid-19). Regarding the main findings, all the proposed hypotheses were rejected, except for one, it was verified that there is a low and significant positive relationship between the position’s structure and the work motivation of the headquarters of a public organization of the Ucayali Region. In conclusion, it is found that the level of organizational climate is low, affecting the motivation of workers in factors such as low wages, low level of belonging to their workplace, they do not feel that they are considered in decision-making regarding their tasks, this, in the long run, can be negative for the growth of the public organization mentioned. There is a lot that needs to be worked on as a team to improve the current situation.
According to Achote et al. (2022), research of organizational climate in companies is fundamental, because, if properly applied, it contributes to the improvement of workers' mental health, performance and motivation. Likewise, it reinforces the union of the company's work teams. Undoubtedly, through climate analysis, the organization's top management will be able to understand the perception and opinion of its workers and realize which elements need to be changed. Regarding motivation, Moyano y Rodriguez (2019) mention that it is one of the necessary elements for a company to be successful, which means that it is very important that employees are constantly motivated so that this is reflected in improved results, commitment, performance, turnover level and job satisfaction. The general objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the organizational climate and the work motivation of the workers at the headquarters of the public oganization of the Ucayali Region; the research is of applied type, with a non-experimental transectional correlational design, the population consisted of 98 workers. The present research was conducted in the year 2020, in the midst of a health emergency (covid-19). Regarding the main findings, all the proposed hypotheses were rejected, except for one, it was verified that there is a low and significant positive relationship between the position’s structure and the work motivation of the headquarters of a public organization of the Ucayali Region. In conclusion, it is found that the level of organizational climate is low, affecting the motivation of workers in factors such as low wages, low level of belonging to their workplace, they do not feel that they are considered in decision-making regarding their tasks, this, in the long run, can be negative for the growth of the public organization mentioned. There is a lot that needs to be worked on as a team to improve the current situation.
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Discipline: Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Económicas
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración
Juror: Huerta Alvarez, Rocio del Pilar; Asencios Bao, Mirko Rubén; Otero Ibáñez, Elizabeth Raquel
Register date: 31-May-2024
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