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Ramirez, E., (2021). Como en Familia [Universidad de Lima].
Ramirez, E., Como en Familia []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2021.
title = "Como en Familia",
author = "Ramirez Luna, Erick Ernesto",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2021"
Title: Como en Familia
Authors(s): Ramirez Luna, Erick Ernesto
Keywords: Posicitioning (Advertising); Restaurants; Healthy nutrition; Social networks; Posicionamiento (Publicidad); Restaurantes; Alimentación saludable; Redes sociales; Branding (Marketing)
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una estrategia publicitaria de lanzamiento para
un restaurante de comida peruana orientado a la atención solo por delivery, siguiendo la
tendencia de restaurantes sin atención directa al público (dark kitchen) que ha crecido a
consecuencia de la pandemia del covid-19. Esta campaña estará dirigida a adultos
jóvenes de los distritos de Lima moderna que trabajan y no disponen del tiempo para
elaborar una comida casera. La campaña busca posicionar a la marca no solo como un
delivery de comida peruana, también como una opción de comida peruana que sea
amigable a la salud de quienes la consumen
The objective of this work is to present an advertising strategy for the launch of a Peruvian cuisine restaurant for delivery only, following the trend of restaurants with no direct public attention (also known as dark kitchen) that has grown due to covid-19 pandemic. The campaign is addressed to young adults of modern Lima that work and don’t have time to prepare homemade meals. The campaign seeks to position the brand not only as a delivery restaurant of Peruvian food, but as an option of health-friendly Peruvian food to those who consume it
The objective of this work is to present an advertising strategy for the launch of a Peruvian cuisine restaurant for delivery only, following the trend of restaurants with no direct public attention (also known as dark kitchen) that has grown due to covid-19 pandemic. The campaign is addressed to young adults of modern Lima that work and don’t have time to prepare homemade meals. The campaign seeks to position the brand not only as a delivery restaurant of Peruvian food, but as an option of health-friendly Peruvian food to those who consume it
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Discipline: Comunicación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Comunicación.
Grade or title: Licenciado en Comunicación
Juror: Paredes Maibach, Berta; Carrillo Garrath, Emilio; Mejía Perea, Eduardo
Register date: 14-Dec-2021
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License