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Title: Improvement proposal in the logistics area of a winery from los aquijes district-Ica, through the scor model
Keywords: PendientePendiente
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.11.04
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: En la actualidad las bodegas vitivinícolas del distrito de Los Aquijes-Ica presentan un índice de aproximadamente 15% de incumplimiento de pedidos, esto se debe principalmente al mal pronóstico de demanda. Por ello, el objetivo general de la investigación es diagnosticar la cadena de suministros (CS) de una bodega vitivinícola de este distrito y proponer una mejora a partir de la metodología SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference Model). Gracias a esta herramienta se reconoció a la planificación como principal problema de esta bodega, para lo cual se propuso un MPS (Master Production Schedule) del producto terminado en litros y un MRP (Material Requirement Planning) para la materia prima en kg y se cuantificó a través del software Arena, una mejora del 33% de los pedidos no atendidos.

Currently, the wineries of Los Aquijes district-Ica present an index of approximately 15% of non-compliance in their orders that increases every year mainly due to the lack of demand forecast. Therefore, the aim of the present research is to diagnose the supply chain (SC) of a winery in this district and propose an improvement based on the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference Model) methodology. Thanks to this tool, planning was recognized as the main problem of this winery, for which an MPS (Master Production Schedule) of the finished goods in liters and an MRP (Material Requirement Planning) for the raw material in kg were proposed. The results were quantified through the Arena software, they showed an improvement of 33% of the unattended orders.
Discipline: Ingeniería Industrial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grade or title: Ingeniero Industrial
Juror: Avalos Ortecho, Edilberto Miguel; Leon Chavarri, Claudia Carolina; Noriega Araníbar, María Teresa
Register date: 21-Jun-2024

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