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Mendez, P., (2024). Aplicación móvil de alertas de accidentes caseros en adultos mayores basado en modelos de Deep Learning [Universidad de Lima].
Mendez, P., Aplicación móvil de alertas de accidentes caseros en adultos mayores basado en modelos de Deep Learning []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2024.
title = "Aplicación móvil de alertas de accidentes caseros en adultos mayores basado en modelos de Deep Learning",
author = "Mendez Avila, Pelmef Roemer",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2024"
Title: Aplicación móvil de alertas de accidentes caseros en adultos mayores basado en modelos de Deep Learning
Other Titles: Mobile application for home accident alerts in older adults based on deep learning models
Authors(s): Mendez Avila, Pelmef Roemer
Advisor(s): Nina Hanco, Hernán
Keywords: Pendiente
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: En los últimos años la tecnología ligada a la salud ha experimentado una evolución muy notable en las distintas ramas de estudio, esto permitió que las personas estén más integradas a esta en su día a día.
Además, se percibe el crecimiento demográfico de adultos mayores y tiene la tendencia a seguir creciendo, de la población de adultos mayores en el Perú, cierto porcentaje, alrededor del 38,4% según estudios previos, vive solo, por lo que la probabilidad de cualquier evento de riesgo, accidente u otro es mucho más factible y afectaría el estilo de vida, salud y bienestar. Por otra parte, muchos de los adultos mayores sufren de vulnerabilidad, es decir, tienen algún tipo de enfermedad que necesite control y cuidado frecuente, tales como enfermedades al corazón, respiratorias, entre otros o sufrieron de algún tipo de accidente que necesite asistencia.
Ante la situación actual de adultos mayores que viven solos, nace como problemática el control del bienestar y la salud de este grupo y/o se encuentren en situación vulnerable ante alguna enfermedad o accidente.
El presente trabajo propone la solución ante la problemática mencionada, donde los familiares o personas que se encuentran pendientes de los adultos mayores puedan monitorear su bienestar sin tener que afectar la privacidad o estar vigilando en todo momento. Se busca la correcta clasificación e interpretación de caídas, desmayos y accidentes similares que pueda sufrir la persona, mediante una red convolucional (Red neuronal encargada de la detección de acciones y objetos en imágenes y/o videos) YOLOv7, en este caso se utiliza la detección de posición de las personas para poder obtener las coordenadas correspondientes para el cálculo de altura y ancho del sujeto reconocido y se pueda calcular el momento en el que el sujeto se encuentre en una posición reconocida como caída, posteriormente se realice la notificación a las personas interesadas que se encuentren a cargo del adulto. El presente sistema busca la poca intervención humana en el monitoreo del bienestar y un corto tiempo de respuesta al momento de detectar y notificar la situación identificada
In recent years, technology related to health has undergone a remarkable evolution in various fields of study, allowing people to become more integrated into it in their daily lives. In addition, the demographic growth of older adults is perceived and has the tendency to continue to grow, of the older adult population in Peru, a certain percentage, about 38.4% according to previous studies, lives alone, so the probability of any risk event, accident or other is much more likely and would affect the lifestyle, health and well-being. On the other hand, many of the older adults suffer from vulnerability, i.e. they have some kind of disease that needs frequent monitoring and care, such as heart disease, respiratory diseases, among others, or they suffered from some kind of accident that needs assistance. Given the current situation of older adults living alone, a challenge arises in monitoring the well-being and health of those who are alone and/or vulnerable to illness or accidents. This work proposes a solution to the problem, where family members or people who are watching over the elderly can monitor their well-being without having to affect their privacy or be watching them at all times. It seeks the correct classification and interpretation of falls, fainting and similar accidents that the person may suffer, through a convolutional network (neural network responsible for the detection of actions and objects in images and / or videos) YOLOv7, in this case the detection of position of people is used to obtain the corresponding coordinates for the calculation of height and width of the subject recognized and can calculate the time at which the subject is in a position recognized as a fall, then the notification is made to the interested persons who are in charge of the adult. This system aims for little human intervention in the monitoring of well-being and a short response time at the moment of detecting and notifying the identified situation.
In recent years, technology related to health has undergone a remarkable evolution in various fields of study, allowing people to become more integrated into it in their daily lives. In addition, the demographic growth of older adults is perceived and has the tendency to continue to grow, of the older adult population in Peru, a certain percentage, about 38.4% according to previous studies, lives alone, so the probability of any risk event, accident or other is much more likely and would affect the lifestyle, health and well-being. On the other hand, many of the older adults suffer from vulnerability, i.e. they have some kind of disease that needs frequent monitoring and care, such as heart disease, respiratory diseases, among others, or they suffered from some kind of accident that needs assistance. Given the current situation of older adults living alone, a challenge arises in monitoring the well-being and health of those who are alone and/or vulnerable to illness or accidents. This work proposes a solution to the problem, where family members or people who are watching over the elderly can monitor their well-being without having to affect their privacy or be watching them at all times. It seeks the correct classification and interpretation of falls, fainting and similar accidents that the person may suffer, through a convolutional network (neural network responsible for the detection of actions and objects in images and / or videos) YOLOv7, in this case the detection of position of people is used to obtain the corresponding coordinates for the calculation of height and width of the subject recognized and can calculate the time at which the subject is in a position recognized as a fall, then the notification is made to the interested persons who are in charge of the adult. This system aims for little human intervention in the monitoring of well-being and a short response time at the moment of detecting and notifying the identified situation.
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Note: El acceso al texto completo del trabajo estará habilitado el 25 de junio de 2027, por expresa disposición del autor
Discipline: Ingeniería de Sistemas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grade or title: Ingeniero de Sistemas
Juror: Pendiente
Register date: 21-Jun-2024
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