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Ayala, K., (2023). Burnout y autoeficacia académica en estudiantes de la carrera de educación primaria [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Ayala, K., Burnout y autoeficacia académica en estudiantes de la carrera de educación primaria []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2023.
title = "Burnout y autoeficacia académica en estudiantes de la carrera de educación primaria",
author = "Ayala Mauricio, Katherine Kandi",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2023"
Title: Burnout y autoeficacia académica en estudiantes de la carrera de educación primaria
Authors(s): Ayala Mauricio, Katherine Kandi
Advisor(s): Iraola Real, Ivan
Keywords: Burnout; Burnout académico; Autoeficacia académica; Educación superior; Educación básica; Academic burnout; Academic self-efficacy; Higher education; Basic education
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)
Abstract: El contexto universitario peruano enfrenta diversas exigencias educativas que generan
estrés estudiantil denominado burnout académico; el cual, afecta los niveles de confianza
denominados autoeficacia académica. En este contexto, el presente estudio tiene como
objetivo analizar la relación entre el burnout académico y la autoeficacia académica en
una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de la carrera profesional de educación primaria
de una universidad privada de Lima – Perú; específicamente la relación entre el
agotamiento emocional, el cinismo o indiferencia y la eficacia académica con la
autoeficacia. De acuerdo a este objetivo se planteó una metodología según el enfoque
cuantitativo de tipo correlacional de nivel predictivo, en la que se contó con la
participación de 73 estudiantes de ellos 62 fueron mujeres (84,9%) y 11 varones (15,1%)
entre 19 a 45 años de edad (Mediaedad = 27,52; Desviación Estándar = 6, 38). De ellos,
2 (2,7%) encuestados eran del séptimo ciclo, 37 (50,7%) eran del octavo ciclo, 19 (26,0%)
estudiantes eran del noveno ciclo, y 15 (20,5%) eran del décimo ciclo. Los participantes
resolvieron una escala de burnout estudiantil (de 15 ítems) y una de autoeficacia
académica (de 10 ítems). Luego, los resultados, demostraron que el burnout estudiantil
no se relaciona con la autoeficacia académica. Y las dimensiones agotamiento emocional
y el cinismo o indiferencia; tampoco, evidenciaron relaciones significativas. Sin embargo,
la dimensión eficacia académica evidenció una relación predictiva con la autoeficacia
académica. Y de modo exploratorio, el género femenino demostró predecir menor nivel
de autoeficacia académica.
The Peruvian university context faces various educational demands that generate student stress called academic burnout; which affects the levels of student confidence called academic self-efficacy. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the relationship between academic burnout and academic self-efficacy in a sample of university students of the primary education professional career of a private university in Lima - Peru; specifically the relationship between emotional exhaustion, cynicism or indifference, and academic efficacy with academic self-efficacy. In accordance with this objective, a methodology was proposed according to the quantitative approach of the correlational type of predictive level, in which 73 students participated, 62 of them were women (84.9%) and 11 men (15.1% ) between 19 and 45 years of age (Meanage = 27.52; Standard Deviation = 6.38). Of them, 2 (2.7%) respondents were from the seventh cycle, 37 (50.7%) were from the eighth cycle, 19 (26.0%) students were from the ninth cycle, and 15 (20.5%) were of the tenth cycle. The participants solved a student burnout scale (of 15 items) and one of academic self-efficacy (of 10 items). Then, the results showed that student burnout is not related to academic self-efficacy. Moreover, the dimensions emotional exhaustion and cynicism or indifference; neither did they show significant relationships. However, the academic efficacy dimension showed a predictive relationship with academic self-efficacy. In addition, in an exploratory way, the female gender was shown to predict a lower level of academic self-efficacy.
The Peruvian university context faces various educational demands that generate student stress called academic burnout; which affects the levels of student confidence called academic self-efficacy. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the relationship between academic burnout and academic self-efficacy in a sample of university students of the primary education professional career of a private university in Lima - Peru; specifically the relationship between emotional exhaustion, cynicism or indifference, and academic efficacy with academic self-efficacy. In accordance with this objective, a methodology was proposed according to the quantitative approach of the correlational type of predictive level, in which 73 students participated, 62 of them were women (84.9%) and 11 men (15.1% ) between 19 and 45 years of age (Meanage = 27.52; Standard Deviation = 6.38). Of them, 2 (2.7%) respondents were from the seventh cycle, 37 (50.7%) were from the eighth cycle, 19 (26.0%) students were from the ninth cycle, and 15 (20.5%) were of the tenth cycle. The participants solved a student burnout scale (of 15 items) and one of academic self-efficacy (of 10 items). Then, the results showed that student burnout is not related to academic self-efficacy. Moreover, the dimensions emotional exhaustion and cynicism or indifference; neither did they show significant relationships. However, the academic efficacy dimension showed a predictive relationship with academic self-efficacy. In addition, in an exploratory way, the female gender was shown to predict a lower level of academic self-efficacy.
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Discipline: Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Grade or title: Licenciado en Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Juror: Vásquez Céspedes, Carla; Vargas Vargas, Gilder Samuel; Aguilar Calero, Estela Noemi
Register date: 19-Dec-2023
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