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Rojas, J., Chinchayhuara, D. (2023). La percepción de futuros docentes sobre la educación virtual durante la Covid-19 [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Rojas, J., Chinchayhuara, D. La percepción de futuros docentes sobre la educación virtual durante la Covid-19 []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2023.
title = "La percepción de futuros docentes sobre la educación virtual durante la Covid-19",
author = "Chinchayhuara Albarran, Dalia Yulina",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2023"
Title: La percepción de futuros docentes sobre la educación virtual durante la Covid-19
Advisor(s): Iraola Real, Iván
Keywords: Percepción; Estudiante universitario; Educación a distancia; Aprendizaje en línea; Calidad de la educación; Perception; University student; Distance education; Online learning; Quality of education; Covid-19; SARS-CoV-2; Coronavirus
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)
Abstract: Debido a la repentina aparición de la Covid-19, el sector educativo optó por incursionar en la educación virtual, con la finalidad de que los estudiantes no perdieran sus clases. Asimismo, esta incursión dividió a la población universitaria debido a la diferencia en sus percepciones. Por este motivo, se pretende determinar la percepción de los estudiantes de la carrera de educación primaria del VIII, IX y X ciclo de una universidad privada de Lima-Perú sobre la educación virtual durante la pandemia. Para lo cual, se realizó una investigación cuantitativa de tipo no experimental y de nivel descriptivo, en la que participaron 66 estudiantes, 12 varones (18.2%) y 54 mujeres (81.8%), entre 21 a 52 años (Mage= 31.79, SD= 8.65). Se elaboró y aplicó un cuestionario formado por tres dimensiones (recursos, metodología y adaptación curricular), posteriormente se empleó el programa “SPSS” para su análisis. Obteniendo, los siguientes resultados: Para “recursos”, la mayoría lo perciben entre “bueno a regular”, excepto un 25% quienes lo califican desde “malo a bueno”. Igualmente, para “metodología”, el 50% del octavo ciclo opinan que fue “buena”, mientras que el 50% del noveno y décimo como “regular”. Finalmente, para “adaptación curricular”, más de la mitad lo perciben entre “regular a bueno”. Se concluye que la mayoría de estudiantes perciben a la educación virtual desde “bueno a regular”, disminuyendo a mayor ciclo universitario. Asimismo, se identificaron pequeños grupos que la perciben como “mala”. Por lo que se sugiere realizar un estudio mixto para hallar nuevos resultados y generar nuevas propuestas.
Due to the sudden appearance of Covid-19, the educational sector chose to venture into virtual education, so that students do not miss their classes. Likewise, this incursion divided the university population due to the difference in their perceptions. For this reason, it is intended to determine the perception of the students of the primary education career of the VIII, IX and X cycle of a private university in Lima-Peru about virtual education during the pandemic. For which, a non-experimental and descriptive quantitative research was carried out, in which 66 students participated, 12 men (18.2%) and 54 women (81.8%), between 21 and 52 years old (Mage = 31.79, SD = 8.65). To do this, a questionnaire consisting of three dimensions (resources, methodology and curricular adaptation) was developed and applied, later the "SPSS" program was used for its analysis. Obtaining the following results: For "resources", the majority perceive it between "good to regular", except for 25% who rate it from "bad to good". Likewise, for "methodology", 50% of the eighth cycle think that it was "good", while 50% of the ninth and tenth cycles as "regular". Finally, for "curricular adaptation", more than half perceive it as between "regular to good". It is concluded that the majority of students perceive virtual education from "good to regular", decreasing to a higher university cycle. Likewise, small groups that perceive it as "bad" were identified. Therefore, it is suggested to carry out a mixed study to find new results and generate new proposals.
Due to the sudden appearance of Covid-19, the educational sector chose to venture into virtual education, so that students do not miss their classes. Likewise, this incursion divided the university population due to the difference in their perceptions. For this reason, it is intended to determine the perception of the students of the primary education career of the VIII, IX and X cycle of a private university in Lima-Peru about virtual education during the pandemic. For which, a non-experimental and descriptive quantitative research was carried out, in which 66 students participated, 12 men (18.2%) and 54 women (81.8%), between 21 and 52 years old (Mage = 31.79, SD = 8.65). To do this, a questionnaire consisting of three dimensions (resources, methodology and curricular adaptation) was developed and applied, later the "SPSS" program was used for its analysis. Obtaining the following results: For "resources", the majority perceive it between "good to regular", except for 25% who rate it from "bad to good". Likewise, for "methodology", 50% of the eighth cycle think that it was "good", while 50% of the ninth and tenth cycles as "regular". Finally, for "curricular adaptation", more than half perceive it as between "regular to good". It is concluded that the majority of students perceive virtual education from "good to regular", decreasing to a higher university cycle. Likewise, small groups that perceive it as "bad" were identified. Therefore, it is suggested to carry out a mixed study to find new results and generate new proposals.
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Discipline: Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Grade or title: Licenciado en Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Juror: Gonzales Choquehuanca, Elvis Eleodoro; Zorrilla Esparza, César Jhonny; Vásquez Céspedes, Carla
Register date: 12-Jul-2023
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