Bibliographic citations
Aquino, G., Pérez, L. (2020). Estrategias de animación a la lectura para fomentar el hábito lector en estudiantes de 2do grado de educación primaria [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Aquino, G., Pérez, L. Estrategias de animación a la lectura para fomentar el hábito lector en estudiantes de 2do grado de educación primaria []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2020.
title = "Estrategias de animación a la lectura para fomentar el hábito lector en estudiantes de 2do grado de educación primaria",
author = "Pérez Vásquez, Lady Lorena",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2020"
This research, of qualitative type is focused on the problem of little interest in reading shown by the students of second grade of primary education, due to the lack of motivation and interest in reading. The study conducted corresponds to the participatory action research type; where the problems and their respective pedagogical solutions are made known before what was observed, making the reading encouragement strategies encourage the interest of students generating the reading habit, and thus achieve that they develop the necessary performances to understand the texts according to their cognitive maturity, considering the three levels of reading comprehension. For this purpose, activities were proposed to generate a greater willingness to read, and these events were recorded through an observation guide, a field diary, video analysis and interviews, data that were analyzed and the results allowed us to observe that if we internalize in the child the taste for reading, instead of feeling forced to read, this will significantly improve their level of reading comprehension and therefore their academic performance.
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