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Rocha, J., Valdivia, E. (2022). Sanciones tributarias y la liquidez en una empresa de servicios de limpieza [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Rocha, J., Valdivia, E. Sanciones tributarias y la liquidez en una empresa de servicios de limpieza []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2022.
title = "Sanciones tributarias y la liquidez en una empresa de servicios de limpieza",
author = "Valdivia Muñante, Estrella Mía",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2022"
Title: Sanciones tributarias y la liquidez en una empresa de servicios de limpieza
Advisor(s): Vega Rosales, Karina Vanessa
Keywords: Sanciones tributarias; Liquidez; Capital de trabajo; Liquidez ácida; Liquidez absoluta; Tax penalties; Liquidity; Working capital; Acid test; Absolute liquidity
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)
Abstract: En la indagación se estudió una empresa de servicios de limpieza, la cual, debido al inapropiado cumplimiento de las normas tributarias, cometió diversas infracciones tributarias, las cuales, fueron detectadas y sancionadas por la Administración Tributaria en un procedimiento de fiscalización ejecutado a la empresa, la cual, vio afectada su liquidez, en ese sentido, este estudio tiene como principal propósito, determinar cómo las sanciones tributarias pecuniarias afectan la liquidez en una empresa de servicios de limpieza, del Callao en el 2020.
La metodología empleada presentó un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo, para lo cual, se aplicó la técnica del análisis documental cuyo instrumento fue la guía de análisis documental. Como resultado principal se obtuvo que las sanciones tributarias pecuniarias afectaron a la empresa disminuyendo su liquidez, puesto que, después de comparar las ratios de liquidez sin multa y con multa, se determinó que el capital de trabajo decreció en 70,054.00 soles, asimismo, la liquidez ácida disminuyó en 0.003 y la liquidez absoluta en 0.01.
En conclusión, la aplicación de las sanciones tributarias pecuniarias sí afectaron a la entidad disminuyendo su liquidez, como producto de las multas que fueron por llevar libros o registros contables con atraso, omitir la presentación de declaración y pago, no exhibir libros contables, registros u otros, y por declarar cifras o datos falsos de la deuda tributaria, esto se evidenció en los resultados de los índices o ratios de capital de trabajo, liquidez ácida y liquidez absoluta.
In the investigation, a cleaning services company was studied, which, due to inappropriate compliance with tax regulations, committed various tax offenses, which were detected and sanctioned by the Tax Administration in an examination procedure carried out on the company, which, its liquidity was affected, in this sense, this study has as its main purpose, to determine how pecuniary tax sanctions affect liquidity in a cleaning services company, in Callao in 2020. The methodology used presented a quantitative, descriptive approach, for which the documentary analysis technique was applied, whose instrument was the documentary analysis guide. As a main result, it was obtained that the pecuniary tax sanctions affected the company, decreasing its liquidity, since, after comparing the liquidity ratios without a fine and with a fine, it was determined that the working capital decreased by 70,054.00 soles, likewise, the liquidity acid decreased by 0.003 and absolute liquidity by 0.01. In conclusion, the application of pecuniary tax sanctions did affect the entity, decreasing its liquidity, as a result of the fines that were for keeping books or accounting records late, omitting the presentation of declaration and payment, not exhibiting accounting books, records or others, and for declaring false figures or data of the tax debt, this was evidenced in the results of the indexes or ratios of working capital, acid liquidity and absolute liquidity.
In the investigation, a cleaning services company was studied, which, due to inappropriate compliance with tax regulations, committed various tax offenses, which were detected and sanctioned by the Tax Administration in an examination procedure carried out on the company, which, its liquidity was affected, in this sense, this study has as its main purpose, to determine how pecuniary tax sanctions affect liquidity in a cleaning services company, in Callao in 2020. The methodology used presented a quantitative, descriptive approach, for which the documentary analysis technique was applied, whose instrument was the documentary analysis guide. As a main result, it was obtained that the pecuniary tax sanctions affected the company, decreasing its liquidity, since, after comparing the liquidity ratios without a fine and with a fine, it was determined that the working capital decreased by 70,054.00 soles, likewise, the liquidity acid decreased by 0.003 and absolute liquidity by 0.01. In conclusion, the application of pecuniary tax sanctions did affect the entity, decreasing its liquidity, as a result of the fines that were for keeping books or accounting records late, omitting the presentation of declaration and payment, not exhibiting accounting books, records or others, and for declaring false figures or data of the tax debt, this was evidenced in the results of the indexes or ratios of working capital, acid liquidity and absolute liquidity.
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Discipline: Contabilidad con Mención en Finanzas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades. Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Económicas y Financieras
Grade or title: Contador Público
Juror: Alcántara Oyola, Roberto Fernando; Mejia Ramirez, Francisco Vicente; Rumiche Eche, Carmen Jacinta
Register date: 9-Mar-2023
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