Bibliographic citations
Huancahuire, R., (2022). Riesgo de diabetes tipo 2 durante la pandemia en adultos mayores que acuden a la consulta médica en un hospital del Callao, 2022 [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Huancahuire, R., Riesgo de diabetes tipo 2 durante la pandemia en adultos mayores que acuden a la consulta médica en un hospital del Callao, 2022 []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2022.
title = "Riesgo de diabetes tipo 2 durante la pandemia en adultos mayores que acuden a la consulta médica en un hospital del Callao, 2022",
author = "Huancahuire Diaz, Reyna",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2022"
Objective: To determine the risk of type 2 diabetes during the pandemic in older adults who attend a medical consultation at a Hospital in Callao, 2022. Materials and methods: The study has a quantitative approach and a descriptive/cross-sectional methodological design, made up of a sample of 131 patients. The study technique was the survey and the applied instrument was the FINDRISC test, structured by 8 items/indicators. Results: Regarding the risk of diabetes, low risk prevailed with 40.5% (n=53), followed by slightly high risk with 21.4% (n=28), high risk with 18.3% (n=24), moderate risk with 16% (n=21) and very high with 3.8% (n=5). In relation to the indicators, in age those who were over 64 years old prevailed with 68.7% (n=90), in BMI values those who had 25 kg/m2 to 30 kg/m2 predominated with 64.1%. (n=84), in abdominal perimeter those who have between 94 to 102 cm in men or from 80 to 88 cm in women with 54.2% (n=71) predominated, in physical activity those who do not exercise with 54 .2% (n=71), in consumption of vegetables/fruits predominated those who do not consume daily with 52.7% (n=69), in medications for hypertension those who do take medications predominated with 77.1% ( n=101), in hyperglycemia those who did have it predominated with 70.2% (n=92) and finally, in family history those who did not have a history predominated with 45.8% (n=60). Conclusions: Regarding the risk of diabetes, low risk predominated, followed by slightly elevated, high, moderate and very high.
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