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Páucar, D., (2020). Cuidados de enfermería en niños de 5 años con conductas agresivas [Trabajo académico, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Páucar, D., Cuidados de enfermería en niños de 5 años con conductas agresivas [Trabajo académico]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2020.
title = "Cuidados de enfermería en niños de 5 años con conductas agresivas",
author = "Páucar Lemos, Dennyse",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2020"
Title: Cuidados de enfermería en niños de 5 años con conductas agresivas
Authors(s): Páucar Lemos, Dennyse
Advisor(s): Del Carpio Florez, Sofia
Keywords: Conducta agresiva; Frustraciones; Comportamientos auto lesivos; Aggressive behavior; Frustration; Self-Injurious behavior
Issue Date: 12-Feb-2020
Institution: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Abstract: Se presenta el caso de una niña de 05 años de edad en etapa de educación inicial.
Presentó en la consulta conductas destructivas y agresivas principalmente en el área familiar, desencadenadas por frustraciones mínimas y desobediencia a normas (muerde, escupe, tira del pelo, da patadas, micción voluntaria, agresividad verbal y física); presentando a su vez comportamientos auto lesivos, hipersensibilidad a los olores, manía hacia determinadas personas. El cuadro se ha generalizado y actualmente afecta de manera extrema al entorno familiar, social y escolar.
Actualmente no mantiene una amistad estrecha con ningún niño o niña. Son frecuentes a su vez las agresiones por mordedura a los compañeros de clase. El nivel de aprendizaje siempre ha sido medio-alto, aunque ha descendido paulatinamente a medida que el trastorno de conducta se ha agravado.
We present the case of a 5-year-old girl in the kindergarten education stage. This girl. Presented to the consultation disruptive and aggressive behavior mainly in the family area triggered by minimal frustration and disobedience to norms (bites, spits, pulls hair, kicks, voluntary voiding, verbal and physical aggression); presenting in turn self-injurious behaviors, hypersensitivity to smells, mania towards certain people. The problem has become generalized and actually it affected the family, social and school environment. Now a days this girl does not have a close friendship with any boy or girl. Cases by bite to their classmates are frequent. The level of acquisition of learning has always been medium-high, although it has gradually declined as the behavior disorder has worsened.
We present the case of a 5-year-old girl in the kindergarten education stage. This girl. Presented to the consultation disruptive and aggressive behavior mainly in the family area triggered by minimal frustration and disobedience to norms (bites, spits, pulls hair, kicks, voluntary voiding, verbal and physical aggression); presenting in turn self-injurious behaviors, hypersensitivity to smells, mania towards certain people. The problem has become generalized and actually it affected the family, social and school environment. Now a days this girl does not have a close friendship with any boy or girl. Cases by bite to their classmates are frequent. The level of acquisition of learning has always been medium-high, although it has gradually declined as the behavior disorder has worsened.
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Discipline: Especialidad en Enfermería en Salud Pública con Mención en Salud Familiar y Comunitaria
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Facultad de Enfermería
Grade or title: Especialista en enfermería en salud pública con mención en salud familiar y comunitaria
Register date: 12-Feb-2020
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