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Cervantes, L., (2018). Disyuncion palatina [Trabajo académico, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Cervantes, L., Disyuncion palatina [Trabajo académico]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2018.
title = "Disyuncion palatina",
author = "Cervantes Ganoza, Luis Adolfo",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2018"
Title: Disyuncion palatina
Authors(s): Cervantes Ganoza, Luis Adolfo
Advisor(s): Reyes Velarde, Karla Isabel
Keywords: Disyunción; Sutura; Hyrax; Activación; Sintomatología; Expansión rápida maxilar; Vía aérea superior; Disyunción; Disjunction; Suture; Hyrax; Activation; Symptomatology; Maxilar rapid expansion; Upper airway; Disjunction
Issue Date: 31-Aug-2018
Institution: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Abstract: La disyunción maxilar rápida es un procedimiento ortopédico en el que se realizan una serie de activaciones diarias a un tornillo de expansión que actúa sobre la sutura palatina media y provoca la apertura de la misma en un breve período de tiempo, puede acompañarse de excesiva sintomatología en los pacientes. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar los beneficios aportados por la disyunción palatina del maxilar. El interés radica en la posibilidad de observar el efecto de la disyunción palatina no solo en el maxilar y los dientes, sino en las estructuras craneales más profundas, que no solamente afectan a las sutura medio palatina, permitiendo una mejora considerable en el patrón respiratorio de oral a nasal y sobre todo lograr un desarrollo integral a través de una respiración funcional que no afecte a su salud.
The rapid maxillary disjunction is an orthopedic procedure in which an expansion screw acting upon the medial palatal suture, is activated every day and causes its aperture in a short period of time, accompanied by an excessive symptomatology in the patients. The aim of this paper is showing the benefits provided by the maxillary palatal. The interest lies in the possibility of observing the effect of palatal expansion not only in the jaw and teeth, but in the deeper cranial structures, wich not only affects the mid-palatal suture, allowing a significant improvement in the respiratory pattern of oral nasal and especially achieve comprehensive development of the child through a functional breathing that does not affect your overall health.
The rapid maxillary disjunction is an orthopedic procedure in which an expansion screw acting upon the medial palatal suture, is activated every day and causes its aperture in a short period of time, accompanied by an excessive symptomatology in the patients. The aim of this paper is showing the benefits provided by the maxillary palatal. The interest lies in the possibility of observing the effect of palatal expansion not only in the jaw and teeth, but in the deeper cranial structures, wich not only affects the mid-palatal suture, allowing a significant improvement in the respiratory pattern of oral nasal and especially achieve comprehensive development of the child through a functional breathing that does not affect your overall health.
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Discipline: Ortodoncia y ortopedia maxilar
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Facultad de Estomatología
Grade or title: Especialista en ortodoncia y ortopedia maxilar
Register date: 7-Sep-2018
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